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Discuss confrontation and negotiation?

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In every organization, there are different confrontations, and there must be a need to resolve the conflicts through negotiation techniques since negotiations and disputes have become the aspects of any organization. The owners of the business can be in a confrontation with the managers, the general public, employees, and other partners. The size of the organization determines the best negotiation technique to use in resolving conflicts. The organization should be well prepared to handle the disputes in the shortest time possible. Larger organization requires more efficient methods, unlike small businesses, where conflict resolution is much simpler and rare. In order to timely resolve major conflicts affecting the organization, it is necessary to establish goals, identify trade-offs, and also listen to alternative helps (Maarten Bavinck, 2014). Before anything is done, it is essential to look into the previous relationship, possible outcome, and the desired consequences of either winning or losing. The organization can easily avoid internal confrontation and negotiations since the business owners have full responsibility to complete business functions, but external confrontation and resolution is a menace to most companies.

One of the sources of conflicts in an organization is when there are differences in beliefs and ideas needed for business operation among individuals. Also, the stakeholders may find themselves in a confrontation situation with the sellers or buyers when bargaining. Confrontation and negotiation strategy can lead to the creation of different options in resolving tough situations. The owners of the business can go through a few procedures during the process of discussing options and solutions to the problem. Problem analysis, coming up with different approaches to the conflict, and dealing with the consequences of the conflict is a necessary procedure in conflict and resolution.

Conflict and negotiation technique is essential to the business owners since it comes up with positive results when in a conflict with a larger organization. Smaller businesses tend to have lower purchasing power as compared to larger organizations. The low purchasing power makes the owners come up with strategies that will make the company more attractive, i.e., production of quality goods. Thus there is a need for the technique in order to give the company a competitive advantage over other organizations (Zartman, 2007).

There is also a need for business to develop a “best alternative to a negotiated agreement.” This is necessary since the company might not be granted all the requests in a confrontation and negotiation process. Thus, having the best alternative to negotiated terms ensures that there are maximum concessions in the process bearing in mind the alternative may course more conflicts. However, the conflict and negotiation process may lead to one party participating in unethical behavior, especially small business owners, with little experience in the act (Singh, 2008). It is advisable always to avoid situations which might bring unfavorable conditions to the organization. The reconciliation process very imports in the growth and development of a business.


Maarten Bavinck, A. J. (2014). Conflict, Negotiations, and Natural Resource Management.Routledge.

Singh, B. D. (2008). Managing Conflict and Negotiation. Excel Books India.

Zartman, I. W. (2007). Negotiation and Conflict Management: Essays on Theory and Practice. Routledge.

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