We can work on Discovering Texan Culture

For the remaining part of this module, you will focus on a foreign country (randomly assigned to each
student)that has had a major influence on the culture of Texas and that is represented at The Institute of Texan
Cultures. Your goal is to gather information on your assigned country and its role in the development of the
culture of Texas

  1. Assigned Country is France
    2.Explore the website of The Institute of Texan Cultures (http://www.texancultures.com) and look for content
    related to immigration, Texan cultures, and your assigned country.
    3.Take a virtual tour of another museum that showcases the culture of your assigned country. A good place to
    start is Google Arts & Culture (https://artsandculture.google.com/partner) where you can visit collections from
    all over the world (the “Map” function is very useful to locate museums from your assigned country). Make sure
    that the virtual collection you visit refers to your assigned country. In your post, share the name of the museum
    you visited and what you have learned from this virtual visit.
    4.An excellent introduction to the topic of this module is the book “Gone to Texas: The Immigration of Cultures”
    (retrieved from UTSA’s Libraries Special Collections at
    5.Continue your exploration by reading the “Texans One and All”short essay dedicated to your assigned
    6.Check additional resources on the Internet and gather information on the culture of your assigned country
    and its role in the development of the culture of Texas. List all the resources you found about the culture of your
    assigned country and its influences on the culture of Texas. Include at least three resources (with related links
    and/or files) and, for each resource, discuss how you verified its rigor and authenticity. Wikipedia should not be
    one of the resources you cite, but it can be a great starting point for your research. However, before you do
    that, watch the following video, which discusses how to critically approach and use Wikipedia (you can start
    watching at 6:42):
    https://youtu.be/ih4dY9i9JKE?list=PL8dPuuaLjXtN07XYqqWSKpPrtNDiCHTzU&t =402

Sample Solution

Lebron James (LeBron Raymone James Sr.) is one of the most well known ball players now, and now and then considered the best b-ball player on the planet. He won the National Basketball Association (NBA) Most Valuable Player Award multiple times, three NBA Finals MVP Player grants, and two Olympic gold decorations. James has additionally been in 15 NBA All-Star Games and was the MVP All-Star MVP multiple times. This is only a short rundown of his achievements, as he has ruled the game since his adolescent years. Despite the fact that individuals know him as a remarkable b-ball player, this paper will unveil data about his private life and what venture he proceeded to turn into an expert b-ball player. He was conceived in 1984, December 30, in Akron, Ohio. His mom, Gloria Marie James, was 16 years of age at the hour of his introduction to the world, while his dad, Anthony McClelland, has a criminal record and was absent in his initial life and now. As a single parent, Gloria, moved from condo to loft, winding up in Akron. She battled to get a steady line of work. In the long run, stressed over LeBron’s childhood, she carried him to live with a nearby football trainer named Frank Walker. LeBron was nine years of age at the time, and the Walker acquainted b-ball with him (Sharp, Anne Wallace). When he was in the fifth grade, LeBron was playing in a sorted out b-ball group. Specifically, he played for the Northwest Ohio Shooting Stars for the Amatuer Athletic Union. He made solid bonds with partners Sian Cotton, Dru Joyce III, and Willie McGee. They had a great deal of progress at the nearby and national level while being in the group, and they concluded they would all go to a similar secondary school to stay as a group. Dubiously, the four understudies decided to go to St. Vincent–St. Mary High School, which principally was a white school, while LeBron and his companions were dark (Nichols, Rachel). Clearly LeBron was a characteristic, as even as a first year recruit, he commanded the secondary school circuit. In his first year, he found the middle value of 21 focuses and 6 bounce back per game. The St. Vincent–St. Mary High School’s group, The Fighting Irish, went undefeated in the season, 27–0. This made another record for the primary secondary school young men b-ball group in Ohio to go undefeated in a season. After this first year, Lebron was a sensation, and went into his sophomore a star. He didn’t frustrate the fans, with 25.2 focuses and 7.2 bounce back with 5.8 helps and 3.8 takes per game. For certain games, greater settings must be reserved to suit the measure of individuals who needed to watch the rounds of the group. NBA scouts were at that point taking a sharp notification of LeBron. That year, the group went 26–1, and LeBron was named “Ohio Mr. Ball” and was picked for the USA Today All-USA First Team. He was the primary secondary school sophomore to do as such (NBA.com: Prospect Profile: LeBron James). Prior to entering his lesser year of secondary school, LeBron was getting a ton of press. He was included in the American b-ball magazine Slam on the spread, and was designated, “the best secondary school b-ball player in America at the present time” (“Ohio Player”). LeBron likewise turned into the main secondary school ball underclassmen to show up on the front of Sports Illustrated. His lesser year was fantastic also, with a normal of 29 focuses, 8.3 bounce back, 5.7 helps, and 3.3 takes per game. Once more, he was delegated “Ohio Mr. Ball” and chose for the USA Today All-USA First Team. Also, he turned into the principal junior ever to be named male b-ball Gatorade National Player of the Year. Notwithstanding, his group didn’t work out quite as well as in the past two years, with a record of 23–4 (Sharp, Anne Wallace). This was a troublesome time for him, as he was getting a great deal of media consideration and he didn’t have the foggiest idea how to manage it appropriately. He began to utilize marjuana as an enemy of stress instrument. To add to the tension, he needed to enter the NBA draft early, yet the NBA would not influence the standards for him, and he needed to contend in his senior year so as to enter the NBA. Only a side note: LeBron additionally played football through his first year recruit to junior year, and furthermore delivered a decent record (“LeBron’s Book Shows Struggle With Fame”). His midpoints kept on making gains, with his senior year finishing off at 1.6 focuses, 9.6 bounce back, 4.6 helps, and 3.4 takes per game. LeBron and the Fighting Irish played against numerous national groups, and a few games were even broadcast as pay-per-see games because of LeBron’s popularity. For another record, Lebron was named “Ohio Mr. Ball” and chose for the USA Today All-USA First Team for the third year straight. Once more, he was named Gatorade National Player of the Year. He took part in many year’s end rivalries for secondary school and authoritatively entered the NBA draft. There were a few issues during his senior year, however, with run-ins with the law. His mom gave him an endowment of a Hummer through an advance dependent on his suitability as a future NBA player. This was against the standards of the Ohio High School Athletic Association, however he was in the long run freed from all bad behavior. Moreover, he acknowledged endowments from fans who needed him to model for pictures with them. He was suspended for two games for this, yet made an astounding rebound in the game after the suspension, scoring a secondary school profession high of 52 focuses (Bolch, Ben). In the 2003 NBA Draft, he was the primary in general pick. His old neighborhood group, the Cleveland Cavaliers, picked him. What’s more, the choice appeared to be a strong one: in his first NBA game, he scored 25 focuses against the Sacramento Kings, which set a precedent for the most focuses scored by a prep-to-expert player (“Expectations for James More than Met”). The rest, you can say, is history. LeBron James may be the best b-ball player ever, if not the most gifted. Originating from a mother without quite a bit of a home to give, he discovered wings in the home of a football trainer. He played football and b-ball all through his school days, yet exceeded expectations most in b-ball. Before the finish of his first year in secondary school, he was at that point a nearby and even national star. What’s more, when he was a sophomore, it was clear he would have been in the NBA. Through some legitimate issues, issues at home, and media consideration, LeBron found the quality and center to play as well as could be expected and turned into a worldwide sensation in sports history. Works Cited Sharp, Anne Wallace. LeBron James. Lucent Books, 2008. Nichols, Rachel. “LeBron James Opens up on His New School, the Lakers and Life’s Challenges.” ESPN, ESPN Internet Ventures, 30 July 2018, www.espn.com/nba/story/_/id/24194051/lebron-james-examines opening-state funded school-akron-move-los-angeles-lakers-nba. NBA.com: Prospect Profile: LeBron James, www.nba.com/draft2003/profiles/JamesLeBron.html. “Ohio Player.” SLAM, 30 Dec. 2014, www.slamonline.com/nba/ohio-player-lebron-james-first/.>

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