We can work on Dimensions of emotional intelligence

1.Name, explain and give examples of the 5 dimensions of emotional intelligence.2.second question​:Shockbox.3.Dragon’s Den Discussion Forum

Working independently/pair/group, post a short summary of the assigned work.
One team member posts the answers on behalf of the entire team.
Ensure all team member names and the title are included in your forum post title.
Answers in your post must be between 250 to 350 words in length.
Posts are due before class on Monday.
The day after content has been posted, each student must review all the posts and submit a reply.
Replies are due by midnight the day after Monday class.
Evaluations Rubrics are below:

Group Post

Answers are accurate and relate to course material


Well Written: Grammar and vocabulary


Professionalism: Organization and formatting


250 to 350 words in length


Proper referencing and citation


second question:Shockbox

Let’s practice using the business plan checklist from Appendix 4A (in your text). We will focus on the marketing section, and in particular on the target market question. Read the case study on 4-2 in your textbook about the product Shockbox and answer the questions below. As you will see, the target market for this product includes athletes, parents, teams, sports associations and insurance companies.

1.True or False? Hockey is a relatively expensive sport for youth players.



2.True or False? On average, hockey parents spend less than $300 per year on the sport.



3.True or False? $150 is more than most people would pay to learn if their child was at risk of concussion.



4.Now, read the relevant section from the business plan checklist.

Who is the target market in terms of occupation? Income level? Education? Lifestyle?

5.What is the target market’s purchasing behavior for this product or similar products? Where are purchases made? What quantities are purchased?

6.Why does the target market purchase this product or similar products? Which characteristics are preferred? What other factors influence the purchase?

7.Your Task:

Find and cite three articles you could use to help draft the target market section of a business plan. Look for statistics and other evidence of research.

8.Your Task:

Write a paragraph that addresses at least one of the questions above.

Third question:Dragon’s Den Discussion Forum
In this discussion module, you must watch two Dragon’s Den videos which are in the module.

In CBC’s Dragon’s Den, entrepreneurs visit the TV studio with a business idea or an on-going business. Each presenting entrepreneur is hoping that the investors (called Dragons) will invest in their business. Most often the investment is in the form of equity financing. After watching the videos please answer the following questions.

Once again, you should respond to other posts, by offering comments and/or asking questions.

Question #1:

If you were the owner of Atomic Tea, would you have taken the investment from the Dragons? Why or why not?

Question #2:

If you were the owner of PeerFX, would you have taken the investment from the Dragons? Why or why not?

Sample Solution

007). With this word of mouth has become an integral force within in the tourism industry impacting purchase intentions, attitudes, preferences and decision making of customers. Overall scholars agree that word of mouth is of critical importance in the success achieved by service providers as positive or negative word of mouth can be the deciding factor of a company, firm or destinations success or failure. 2.5.1 Word of mouth communication and its effects on a holidaymakers decisions As individuals find it difficult to assess destinations prior to visiting them, they rely heavily on the suggestions and experiences of others. Word of mouth is described as being one of the most utilised “extrinsic cues” due to its high level of accessibility and its evaluation quality (Darby and Karni, 1973). When a tourist looks to choose a destination they utilise many different sources of information to guide their decision and word of mouth is one of the most significant ways of obtaining information that will guide and shape and individuals attitudes. This is due nature of word of mouth recommendations being informal, swift and lacking in commercial bias, and hence have a profound effect on the decisions and behaviour of consumers (East et al., 2008) as they view these recommendations to be more trustworthy and authentic. According to “Nielsen global trust in advertising” survey, which had just over 28,000 respondents across fifty six countries concluded that word of mouth recommendation from friends and family members was chosen by ninety two percent of those surveyed as the most trustworthy source of information (advertising) whilst online consumer opinions had a lower trust rate of seventy percent. Furthermore the survey highlighted that of those surveyed only forty seven percent said they trusted ads on television . The reason for word of mouth communication been seen to show a high level of trust is due to the fact that it comes from friends or family members and therefore is deemed more trustwo>

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