We can work on Digital tool: exploring the perspective of students toward the support platform ‘Bingel’

View the digital platform as a learning or playing tool. Bingel belong to Sanoma education.
I will attach a first topic which I ready started before I lost motivation. See if we can retsructure it to a better and easy topic.
Questions such as:

  1. what do you do on Bingel, practice english, math, play gamification, Youtube, listen to music, others?can be asked.
  2. what do you feel when you use Bingel, working alone or when the teacher guildes you, other?
  3. Do you prefer to use Bingel to practice English or do you prefer the teacher to teach you, others?
    The research question and the questionaire should be tailored to suit age range of the students. The feeback from the supervisor will come next week after submission.
    I will do the survey and bring back the result to you.

Otherwise, the entire paper is 25 pages in total.
The 25 pages should include:
the abstract,
research questions,
previous research work in the area,
design/selections, emperical materials
data analysis, processes and interpretation.
results, conclusion and discussion.

Sample Solution

Socialism is a ceased political hypothesis. It has never been drilled in the United States. It is normally positioned in an entirely precarious world of politics like Cuba and China. A typical agreement on socialism is this is a generally excellent thought, yet actually it isn’t excessively acceptable. Individuals consistently prefer to settle on choices themselves. Karl Marx is known as the “father” of Communism. He composed the “Socialist Faction Declaration” in 1848, he was accordingly perceived. “Network” is a shapeless term on the off chance that it is utilized equivalently with “gathering”. People are individuals from numerous gatherings and are along these lines part of numerous networks. School is a network. The people group is a network. The city is a network. The expert is a network. The congregation is a network. Subsequently, schools are a) networks, b) substances in bigger networks, and c) littler networks. That implies excessively, the network has neither rhyme nor reason. Schools examine well about their associations with the network. This shows that the school is not the same as the network. Undoubtedly, schools exist in covering networks and can go about as networks themselves. The people group is a gathering of individuals who are identified with one another and share basic qualities. Geology is neither a network, a part nor an incident. Neighborhood people group ought to agree to government laws and homegrown guidelines. However long they meet the necessities of these chances, everybody has equivalent open doors for a mind-blowing duration. Individuals who are qualified and give a valiant effort for the network lead the network. Society depends on unrestrained choice, except if rules are watched and nobody is harmed. Rules and guidelines are intended to ensure individuals of the general public so as to fabricate a protected and agreeable network. There are two fundamental kinds of network networks, networks characterized by geologically characterized networks and topographically various factors. Instances of topographically characterized networks are networks or local locations. The assembled houses share a typical space. Nearby economies and local organizations are likewise viewed as a major aspect of the neighboring network. Individuals from the network are invested individuals in network wellbeing, and I am keen on this What is a network? Parker characterizes the network as individuals who share a typical space or locale, share a typical relationship, interface with one another, and are broadly utilized in the writing (Fritz, 1985). The people group comprises of common commitments and communications connecting people to establishments and relationship organizations. In most topographical networks, there is a typical association and a pretty much free network. Schools, law requirement offices, and social government assistance offices are three instances of formal associations inside the network that are especially applicable for substance misuse. Guardians and understudy associations contrast in structure, normal to most networks, and can assume a significant part in forestalling drug misuse. Local gatherings and individuals from the association cooperate to make, characterize, and tackle social issues by communicating with each other. Declining Drug Abuse: Sociological Strategy for Community Social Practice W. David Watts South West Texas State University Methodologies for network based sociological practice are examined. With regards to social development of reasonable hypotheses, the part of sociologists in helping networks comprehend social issues has been examined. When the network acknowledges young people ‘substance misuse issues, the hypothesis of control and partners’ affiliation can lead sociologists who wish to work with nearby pioneers to battle drug misuse. Network association, fortify the association among guardians and different gatherings, bring down the network’s capacity to bear drug misuse, manufacture uphold for peer anticipation Declining Drug Abuse: Sociological Strategy for Community Social Practice W. David Watts South West Texas State University A gathering of individuals in a network with a typical point (eg history, values, steadfastness, shared objectives). In this system, network individuals are given participations (eg “comparative”) characterized by individuals’ proprietorship dependent on outer definition standards identified with network capacities (eg as school of understudies) and individual trust for enrollment Recognition) is incorporated. Individuals with political or social issues 2 Citizenship is the way that the regular association among individuals is more noteworthy than that of huge families (counting relatives), and resident’s dynamic, investment, administration and It is the guideline of authoritative administration. , Mechanism and Process The expression “network” is frequently used to allude to where individuals live and to all individuals living there. A people group may likewise allude to a gathering of individuals who perceive themselves as networks since encounters, histories, values, religion, culture, and so forth are shared. The chairman can consider his town a network, yet in many urban areas there are a few self-characterized networks – the Italian-American people group, the gay network, the Jewish people group, the African American people group, the business network I don’t accept that all individuals from these networks have a similar view or act a similar way, yet I think there is something just the same as different individuals from the network.>

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