We can work on Difference between USA and china and Netflix operation in India

Difference between USA and china and Netflix operation in India

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Watch the below two videos and Read Netflix in India.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s0YjL9rZyR0 Eric Li
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jsZDlBU36n0 Why nations fail?

1) What are the key differences between USA and China, both formal (political economical and legal systems etc. ) and informal (culture, social norms etc.) institutions? What do you have to say to Eric Li?

2) Identify the major macro-environment factors in India that impact Netflix’s operation in India. What do you recommend to Netflix to achieve better performance in India?

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Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements

Watch the below two videos and Read Netflix in India.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s0YjL9rZyR0 Eric Li
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jsZDlBU36n0 Why nations fail?

1) What are the key differences between USA and China, both formal (political economical and legal systems etc. ) and informal (culture, social norms etc.) institutions? What do you have to say to Eric Li?

2) Identify the major macro-environment factors in India that impact Netflix’s operation in India. What do you recommend to Netflix to achieve better performance in India?

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