We can work on Developmental Red Flags

Wellness visits are an important part of pediatric primary care. During these visits, patient growth and development are assessed. As an advanced practice nurse who performs these assessments, you must be able to distinguish between normal and abnormal growth and development to recognize red flags. While some patients may not meet milestones due to differences in rates of development, abnormal development might also be a red flag of an underlying problem. In this Discussion, you examine the following case studies and consider potential developmental red flags.

Case Study 3
Jose is a 36-month-old who presents for a preschool evaluation. His father reports the following development:

Physical: Walks, runs, and jumps independently, walks up stairs alternating feet, pedals a three-wheeler, scribbles, copies circles and squares, and is able to balance on one foot for 2 to 3 seconds.
Social: Recognizes three colors; speech is 75% understandable; uses three- to four-word sentences; talks about friends, favorite activities, and family; frequently engages in imitative play; has an imaginary friend; does stutter on occasion when excited or when intent on getting something said. Will typically repeat the first word in a sentence three to four times, but does not repeat syllables or consonants. This happens three to four times a week.

To prepare:
Think about how physical, social, and cognitive development vary during infancy, toddlerhood, and the preschool years. Reflect on normal versus abnormal growth and development and consider the decision-making process of identifying and managing red flags of abnormal development.
Select one of the three case studies provided. Reflect on the patient information included in the case study and consider any developmental red flags.
Reflect on standardized screening tools, clinical guidelines, and management strategies that would be used to assess and manage the patient in your selected case study.

By Day 3
Post an explanation of the following:

  1. Developmental red flags that presented on the stages of normal physical, social, and cognitive development for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. Based on the red flags identified within the physical, social, and cognitive what additional questions should you ask? What additional examinations will you conduct?
  2. Explain how you differentiated between normal and abnormal growth and development for this patient.
  3. Identify which standardized screening tools, clinical guidelines, and management strategies you might use to assess and manage this patient and why.
  4. Health, promotion and anticipatory guidance:
  • Based on the child’s age, discuss which immunizations this child should have received by now?
  • When are the next set of immunizations?
  • Which ones should be given?
  • When should this child return to clinic?

Sample Solution

In spite of the fact that the privileges of ladies have improved colossally since its unique Suffrage Act, a huge issue with respect to the inclined drawback that ladies are given in light of their sex is as yet pervasive. The measure of chances and roads accessible to ladies has extended yet demonstrates to have a “discriminatory limitation”. Ellen Futter, leader of the American Museum of Natural History and previous leader of Barnard College in New York City, said [“Currently, young ladies get the opportunity to seek after occupations and professions in all fields, yet they stay confined to preparing and section level.”] In 2010, Women were observed to be either sole, essential or co-provider in six out of ten American families, a reality that uncovered a noteworthy issue with the pay hole among people. Previous Vermont Governor and Deputy Secretary of Education Madeleine Kunin stated, “We’ve gained huge ground… however the acquiring intensity of ladies is still impressively lower than that of men.” This condition of lopsidedness has energized women’s activists and nonconformists’ brains the same to battle for an answer. The fight has been going on since 1920 however even about a century later a shared view has not been set up. As indicated by the American Progress Report, “Ladies win by and large seventy-seven pennies for each dollar earned by men”. Ladies are too much populated in the most reduced paying occupations, for example, administrative/secretarial or work and need portrayal in higher-positioning callings. In the instructive segment, “ladies are a minority as far as staff rank, pay, renown, and status are men.” In endeavors to unflinching the pestilence of imbalance on April 8, 2014, something else, known as Equal Pay Day, President Obama marked two official requests: [One of which “Denies government specialist co-ops from punishing representatives for offering their compensation data to colleagues”. The other guided the Labor Department to make new guidelines that require government contractual workers to report pay information, including sexual orientation and race breakdowns to the agency.] All which sound promising anyway as per the Panam Post and a few different diaries, this was vigorously disliked in light of the fact that it “accomplishes more damage than anything else.” Consequences included awful work advertise guidelines and for certain spots, antagonistic vibe in the work environment. Sadly, there were numerous openings in this arrangement one of which being the age necessity for this arrangement avoids the present millennial age. The stipulations of the Affordable Care Act power fresher ages to add to their senior’s retirement. Twenty to thirty year olds will pay for the more seasoned age’s standardized savings and retirement however when the opportunity arrives for them (Millennials) to resign, there won’t be any cash left. The endeavor to change over the lowest pay permitted by law into a “living pay” for all was good natured yet wasn’t appropriately considered. Obama’s activities that were implied as another progression toward sexual orientation value turned into another reason that the individuals who are “far right” wanted to not go down this street. Another issue that was raised was the Pink Tax, an extra undetectable expense attached onto ladies’ items in contrast with their counterpart’s. Not exclusively are ladies duped with every check, except they suffer swelling of fundamental items as a result of its sexual orientation explicitness. In light of present conditions, ladies require a higher living pay than men, yet regardless they get saved money. A few organizations guarantee that ladies are paid less to cover certain occasions, for example, maternity leave or youngster related occasions. In any case, being a mother is a vocation without anyone else’s input and in spite of the fact that there can never be an accurate value breakdown on the amount it expenses to bring up a youngster, partnerships still attempt. What is simply unjustified is that this job of “homemaker” and “working man” was made by society and when ladies crash from that way of life and attempt to join the workforce in a manner they are as yet rebuffed.>

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