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Creating the Dashboard Framework

At this point, you have all of the necessary views to achieve the objectives for your dashboard. Now, all that remains is to arrange them and enable the interactivity that's required to effectively tell the story:

1. Create a new dashboard by clicking the New Dashboard tab to the right of all existing worksheet tabs or by selecting Dashboard | New Dashboard from the menu.

2. Rename the new dashboard as: Is Least Profitable Always Unprofitable?.

3. At the bottom of the left sidebar, check Show dashboard title.

4. Add the views to the dashboard by dragging them from the Dashboard pane of the left sidebar and dropping them into the dashboard canvas. Arrange them as follows:

· Overall Profit by Category in the upper left quarter

· Top 10 Produces in the upper right quarter

· Profit by State in the lower left quarter

· Profit Trend in the lower right quarter

5. After adding views to the dashboard, you'll want to take some time to reposition and resize various elements and views.

(Insert full-screen snapshot here)

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