We can work on Designing a Research Project

Pick a research topic. Focus on something currently happening in the world. Think about current events, recent trends, and so on.
You will not be doing a literature review, but you must provide some background info about your topic. Sources for this background info should come from newspapers and magazine articles. You do not need to use academic sources, though if you’d like to use some, that’s fine.
Develop a research question. What about this topic do you want to study? Why is your question significant? In other words, why should people care about your project?
How do you plan on studying your topic? What research method do you plan on using? Keep in mind that the method you choose should make sense given your topic and research question.
How will you go about selecting cases? This will vary tremendously depending on the method you choose. For example, if you are doing interviews, how will you find people to interview? What will your sample look like? Or, if you are doing a survey, will you use existing survey data, or will you be creating and administering your own survey? If you are using existing survey data, talk about the sampling strategy used by those who administered the survey. If you plan on doing your own survey, what sampling strategy will you use? Of course, there are other methods to consider—regardless of the method you choose, you should be thorough as you discuss the case selection process.
Discuss the tools you will use to collect your

Sample Solution

efinition. In the wide definition, familiarity can be viewed as in general (talking) capability, though familiarity with the thin definition relates to perfection and simplicity of oral etymological conveyance. Brumfit (1984) accepted that familiarity was ‘the maximally compelling activity of the language framework so far gained by the understudy.” what’s more, Nunan (1999) states when a speaker talks out of the blue, he should proceed decisively. Talking smoothly doesn’t imply that a speaker ought to talk so quick. In some cases delaying is additionally a significant part of familiarity which might be long yet not various. In addition, when speakers talk easily, they ought to have the option to procure the message without in regards to any syntactic and different missteps. One of the risky zones for EFL students is learning collocations. Iranian students like different students face different issues in delivering oral collocations, in this manner, the need to invest additional time and vitality by students on acing collocations is self-evident. Utilizing collocations is likely the most significant piece of transforming inactive words into dynamic ones; thusly, a focal part in the securing of an imaginative language framework is collocation (Durrant, 2008). As per Ramirez (2012, p. 242), “collocation is the manner by which words partner with each other and can be characterized as word bunches, which are routinely utilized in spoken and composed English.” Henriksen (n.d. p. 30) characterizes collocations as “much of the time repeating a few word syntagmatic units which can incorporate both lexical and linguistic words, for example action word + thing (pay tribute), descriptor + thing (hot zest), relational word + thing (careful) and modifier + relational word (safe to).” McCarthy (1990) accepted that collocational information is a piece of local speakers’ etymological fitness, and can make issues for students who are utilizing second language in correspondence. As indicated by Jinsuk (2001, p. 208), “it bodes well to see collocations as things every now and again happening together and with certain degrees of semantic unusualness.” This legitimizes the possibility that it is critical to invest energy in collocations to improve familiarity. Pawly and Syder (1983) contend that collocational information, as the embodiment of language information, is key for language students to deliver familiar and suitable language. As Bergstrom (2008, p. 5) expresses “a significant part of being conversant in a language is the utilization of collocat>

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