We can work on description of potential boundary challenges

Learning Resources

Required Readings

Ganzer, C. (2007). The use of self from a relational perspective. Clinical Social Work Journal, 35(2), 117–123

Osteen, P. J. (2011). Motivations, values, and conflict resolution: Students’ integration of personal and professional identities. Journal of Social Work Education, 47(3), 423–444.

Required Media

Laureate Education. (Producer). (2013k). Use of self [Audio file]. Retrieved from https://class.waldenu.edu

Note:  This audio introduction is located in the “Introduction and Objectives” section. The approximate length of this media piece is 1 minute.

Assignment 1: Week 8 Blog

Referring to your process recording from last week, consider the topics covered in this week’s resources and incorporate them into your blog.

By Day 3

Post a blog post that includes:

An explanation of the use of self during your field education experience that you may have encountered or that you might encounterA description of potential boundary challenges in your field education experience

Is this question part of your assignment?

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