We can work on De Anza Wk 5 Marxs Theory of Human Nature What Makes Us Who We Are Questions – Assignment Help

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Please choose two (2) of the following three prompts to answer. Aim for approximately 2-3 paragraphs per answer. Please be sure to include a minimum of two specific examples from our course materials that help illustrate or provide evidence for each response. No works cited page necessary.

1.)One of the central themes of our course concerns the nature of the relationships between ideas, beliefs, & values, and practices & actions. That is, we have been exploring the various connections that exist between thoughts and behaviors. One thinker who provides an account of this relationship is Karl Marx. Please explain Marx’s theory of human “nature” – what makes us who we are? What is the relationship between an individual’s human ‘nature’ and the historical and socio-cultural conditions in which an individual lives? What does it mean to study phenomena by way of an historical materialist perspective? How does Marx understand ideology? What is ideology, how and why does it exist, and are there any ways that individuals or groups of individuals can challenge or critique ideological forms of consciousness? In particular, what role does Marx see class relations/conflicts playing in relation to ideology?

1.)The final thinker we have been exploring prior to this first midterm is Sigmund Freud. We have been considering Freud’s understanding of the mind, his theory of basic drives, and his analysis of the sources of suffering and satisfactions that individuals encounter and navigate in relation to their wider socio-cultural contexts. Please explain Freud’s theory of human ‘nature’ – who are we on a fundamental or core level as human beings? Given his theory of human nature, how and why does Freud argue that the relationships between individuals and their wider societies/cultures are characterized by seemingly ‘irreconcilable’ tensions? What does Freud mean by the term ‘mass (or group) psychology’ and how does mass psychology relate to his analysis of human nature and human drives? According to Freud, what is the connection between authoritarianism and mass psychology? Are there any ways that individuals or groups can critique or counteract authoritarian ideas and practices?

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