We can work on DE 209 OUC Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms Limitations Questions – Assignment Help

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This assignment will require you to submit a formal report of your responses to the questions as a Word document submitted through the Assignment 1 Turn It In drop box on the course Moodle site. Do not repeat the questions in your submission but make sure that you number your responses consistent with the assignment.

There is no formal minimum or maximum length for your reports but you should expect that a minimally satisfactory response for each question will be at least 200 words and at least 300 words for each case-based question.You may exceed this minimum but a minimally satisfactory response is not likely to be less than the minimums stated above. Make sure you reference any external sources you use in your responses.

Submissions that are excellent and earn a grade of 80 and higher will have no errors of grammar, spelling, citation, referencing, or writing style.They will exhibit an appropriate level of professionalism in terms of their formatting and they will have evidence of secondary research to support the responses.The responses will cover all aspects of what is stipulated as required in each question and consistent with the grading rubric below.Generally, submissions at this level are 4,000 words or higher.

Submissions that are very good and earn a grade between 70 and 79 will have some errors of grammar, spelling, citation, referencing and some issues with writing style and clarity of expression.They will also not demonstrate a high level of secondary research to support responses and they will be consistent with the grading rubric below.

Submissions that are satisfactory and earn a grade of 50 to 69 will have significant examples of spelling, grammar and writing style errors and only respond to the questions in a perfunctory manner.They will be consistent with the grading rubric below.

Submissions that are unsatisfactory and earn less than 50 will have serious issues with all of the elements discussed above.Responses that are unintelligible will receive a grade of 0.Again, they will be consistent with the grading rubric below.

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