We can work on DB: Burglary or Trespass

DB: Burglary or Trespass?

In 2014, the home of Miami Heat player, Ray Allen was broken into by 7 teenagers. A short article on the break-in can be found here: http://www.local10.com/news/local/group-of-young-adults-break-into-ray-allens-home-

Research the Ray Allen break-in. Focus on the investigation, the charges, and sentencing.
Review the elements of burglary at common law as outlined in your textbook.
Review the Florida Statute on burglary and trespass found here: http://www.leg.state.fl.us/statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&URL=0800-0899/0810/Sections/0810.02.html
Based on your research, and utilizing the proper terminology from Chapter 7, answer the following questions:

Based on the initial article linked above – would you have charged burglary or trespass? Explain.
Did it matter that Mrs. Allen was home with her children at the time of the break-in? Why or why not?
If this event had occurred under a common law jurisdiction, would your answer be different? Why or why not?
Do you agree with the charges that were ultimately filed under Florida law? Why or why not?
Do you think that the punishment was sufficient? Why or why not?

Sample Solution

The United Kingdom agreed to the European Economic Community in 1973, an association that has step by step advanced into the European Union that we know today. Simultaneous with the development of the European Community has been the change of the very idea of the British economy, from a to a great extent creation based one in the main portion of the twentieth century to one overwhelmed by the administrations business in the present day. Official insights proof this: in 2013, 79% of the UK’s GDP originated from the administrations part, up from 46% in 1948. Budgetary administrations represent a critical extent of the UK’s administrations area, without a doubt the UK remains the world’s biggest exporter of monetary administrations. The significance of this part to the UK economy in general can, hence, not be downplayed and a basic investigation of the effect Brexit will have on the legitimate system of UK monetary administrations is basic. The UK has been an individual from the European Union for more than forty years. An unavoidable outcome of this participation has been the utilization of EU-wide laws on money related administrations and a mix and entwinement of European law with local UK law. As the UK gets ready to leave the European Union, this article will endeavor to assess the effect this will have on the lawful system of British money related administrations. At this crossroads, the exact settlement that the United Kingdom and European Union will reach is questionable. What is sure, notwithstanding, is that the “corporate residents” of the EU might be significantly influenced by Brexit . In addition, driving scholastics judge the believability of a purported ‘no arrangement’ Brexit, as “anything besides improbable” . Specific center will be given to the effect of Brexit, especially a problematic Brexit (from a corporate point of view), the passporting system, and the third nation equality system. Due thought will likewise be paid to the effect Brexit will have on significant household l>

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