We can work on Dalhousie University Cuba History and Revolution Class Take Home Exam – Assignment Help

Question Description

Answer TWO of the following three questions.plz see the Rubrics uploaded

Answers should be analytical (see rubric for evaluation parameters). Each answer should be approximately 300-400 words long. You may use short cites from materials, but your answer must be original and show that you have appropriated the content. Write your answer in a MS Word document, double spaced.

number in the heading. Identify the question you are answering.

1. Name three development policies introduced by the revolutionary government in the early years of the Revolution. (3 points)

1.1 Select two of them and provide a more in-depth analysis. Use the following questions as a guide to your answer: What issues did the policy intend to address? What were it’s goals? How was it carried out? How did it fit in and impact the contemporary politicoeconomic context? What were its consequences? To what degree did it accomplish its goals? In your answer, refer to relevant course materials. (7 points)

2. Looking at the classic cars and decaying buildings, occasional observers often describe Cuba as “a country frozen in time.” Provide a critique of this idea by offering an overview of key elements of continuity (2 elements) and change (2 elements) in the Cuban development model and society throughout the Revolution up to the present. Write a paragraph on each of these elements. Refer relevant course materials. (10points)

3. For Cubans, the “special period” and the following 20-year-long unfinished road to recovery have meant adjustments and reforms in many ways. How have the transformations of this era impacted the panorama of social inequality in the country? How have conceptions of socialism in Cuba reacted to the new situation? In your answer, refer relevant course materials. (10 points)

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