Provide the principle of cyclooxygenase
Sample Solution
had to create a soundscape for a haunted house for this exercise we had to become the wind the house and anything that might indicate our house was haunted. Using our voices in this way showed that we could create a soundscape with nothing but our voices and also that we could create a theme or atmosphere just through sounds. Devising theatre is just one way of creating a performance and is frequently called collective creation its created from collaborative improvisatory work by a performing ensemble its usually used to create new theater pieces but can use and be based on script An example of a theatre company who use devising as a way of creating theatre is Cambridge Devised Theatre they produce entertaining modern plays basis on historical research they are innovative in their use of devising which is usually based on strong text and high-quality artistic collaboration. An example of a production they have recently done through the use of devising is The Christmas Dinner Scene adapted from the novel Great Expectations by Charles Dickens created by the street players who preform outside they use exuberant physical and verbal comedy to bring the Christmas scene to life, with all its self-importance guilt and terror the performance is aided by willing volunteers from the audience .The use of the audience in this way makes the audience feel part of the drama as members of them are chosen to help the performers making each production of this twenty minuet piece different from the last. During lessons we explore the art of devising theatre, we were given a stimulus and told to create a one minuet devised performances my groups stimulus was to create a scene based on a train for this my group quickly came up with some characters that might be on our train for example someone reading the newspaper we then created a sequence of movements for our characters were they came into the train one by one there was then a securitised movement of everyone sitting down and opening the paper this profornmance was a representation of the London tube and how nobody makes conversation and would rather read the paper instead in order to make our train come to life we used newspapers as props and made a soundscape of train noises with our voices this helped bring our pe>
had to create a soundscape for a haunted house for this exercise we had to become the wind the house and anything that might indicate our house was haunted. Using our voices in this way showed that we could create a soundscape with nothing but our voices and also that we could create a theme or atmosphere just through sounds. Devising theatre is just one way of creating a performance and is frequently called collective creation its created from collaborative improvisatory work by a performing ensemble its usually used to create new theater pieces but can use and be based on script An example of a theatre company who use devising as a way of creating theatre is Cambridge Devised Theatre they produce entertaining modern plays basis on historical research they are innovative in their use of devising which is usually based on strong text and high-quality artistic collaboration. An example of a production they have recently done through the use of devising is The Christmas Dinner Scene adapted from the novel Great Expectations by Charles Dickens created by the street players who preform outside they use exuberant physical and verbal comedy to bring the Christmas scene to life, with all its self-importance guilt and terror the performance is aided by willing volunteers from the audience .The use of the audience in this way makes the audience feel part of the drama as members of them are chosen to help the performers making each production of this twenty minuet piece different from the last. During lessons we explore the art of devising theatre, we were given a stimulus and told to create a one minuet devised performances my groups stimulus was to create a scene based on a train for this my group quickly came up with some characters that might be on our train for example someone reading the newspaper we then created a sequence of movements for our characters were they came into the train one by one there was then a securitised movement of everyone sitting down and opening the paper this profornmance was a representation of the London tube and how nobody makes conversation and would rather read the paper instead in order to make our train come to life we used newspapers as props and made a soundscape of train noises with our voices this helped bring our pe>