The purpose of this assignment is for students to develop self/other awareness and knowledge of their culture,
and how their cultural background influence and affect their belief/value system and attitudes toward their
identity and those of distinctive cultural groups different from their own. This is essential when working with
culturally different clients.
Students will produce 2-3 slide PowerPoint presentation explaining their culture. Students show family artifacts,
i.e. family records, family photographs, reflection statements from relatives, all of which tell their cultural
heritage. See Appendix B for Rubric.
The Culture Bag assignment

  1. Present your Culture Bag in an organized, creative, and interesting manner. Produce 2-3 PowerPoint slides
    explaining your culture

Sample Solution

Structure and Function of the Mammalian Ear The tympanic film is a slim funnel shaped layer that vibrates within the sight of sound and starts the hear-able cycle. It vibrates at a similar recurrence as the sound wave that hits it, and communicates these vibrations to the center ear. The center ear is comprised of three little bones called little bones. They are hammer bones (hammer), blacksmith’s (iron block) and (tibia). They enhance the vibration of the tympanic film and send these vibrations to the oval window of the inward ear. An invertebrate, for example, a bug’s “ear” is situated on the leg of the chest and is related with the respiratory lot called the windpipe. The tympanic film has a similar capacity as the tympanic layer of the ear of the vertebrate. Like well evolved creatures, sound waves animate and vibrate films, yet in bugs it straightforwardly initiates nerve driving forces. (Barnes and Cawlow, 2002) Some bugs likewise have a related windpipe that coordinates data on changes in bug inward strain to the eardrum. At the point when the privilege tympanic chamber is animated, a sign is sent to one side tympanic chamber by means of the windpipe. The deferral in incitement between the left and right ears assists bugs with finding the course from which the sound begins. Mammalian articulation frameworks can be utilized to create mammalian proteins with the most common structure and movement because of their physiologically pertinent condition. This outcomes in a significant level of post-translational preparing and useful movement. Mammalian articulation frameworks are a favored framework for communicating mammalian proteins and can be utilized to deliver proteins for measures dependent on antibodies, complex proteins and practical cells. Nonetheless, these advantages are joined with more severe social conditions. Mammalian protein articulation frameworks have the capacity of protein collapsing and posttranslational change to carry the protein closer to the local protein and consequently acquire a similar natural action as the local protein. Hence, mammalian cell articulation frameworks are most broadly utilized in the turn of events and production of recombinant protein drugs, specifically for helpful monoclonal antibodies. Delivering proteins with the right amount and quality is a key prerequisite today. The utilization of mammalian cells for protein creation is by all accounts expanding. The utilization of mammalian cells for recombinant protein articulation frameworks takes into consideration the presentation of fitting protein collapsing, posttranslational alterations and item sets that are significant for complete natural action. This audit article is completely founded on writing research.>

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