We can work on Cultural safety position statement

The purpose of this assessment to assist you to develop understanding of the importance of cultural safety in your own healthcare workplace and to allow you to demonstrate your understanding of the role of cultural safety in contributing towards improving health outcomes Instructions
There are two parts to this assessment Part 1 Prepare a position statement for an organisation that you work with or are familiar with, that outlines the importance of providing effective health communication and health literacy as part of your organisation’s overall strategy to deliver culturally safe healthcare. (approx. 500 words)
Important: You must choose an actual healthcare organisation. It can be one that your work for, or have worked for.Or it can be an organisation that you are interested in or admire
For the purposes of this assessment the term position statement is defined as
a range of evidenced-based statements to communicate an organisation’s position on key issues of relevance to achieving a healthy Australia, supported by the best possible healthcare system.
Part 2 A written document outlining the rationale underpinning your position statement (approx. 1500 words) . This should include the following:
Why having such a statement important for providing a culturally safe healthcare environment The importance of effective communication in the provision of culturally safe environment. Explain the relationship between health literacy and effective communication The external influences (historical and contemporary, factors like the media) that may contribute or detract from culturally safe practice in the healthcare environment. How might this (the position statement) contribute to improving the health outcomes of the organisation’s target clients What are the barriers, to implementing this position statement, that might exist within the organisation? and how might these barriers be overcome? Support your comments with reference to the academic literature, at least 5 refereed publications published between 2009-2019.

Sample Solution

Citizenship Path for Dreamers Presentation Outsider youngsters conveyed to the United States wrongfully by their folks have experienced their lives as Americans yet are not residents. Mexican workers have turned into the biggest minority in the United States. In 2014, more than 11.7 million Mexican settlers lived in the United States (Zong and Batolva, 2016). Without citizenship, youthful Latino Americans face monetary and individual hardships that must be lightened. An arrangement that gives a way to citizenship will enable them to verify fundamental necessities. They are called Dreamers in light of the fact that the underlying 2001 enactment called the Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act (DREAM) was gone for giving changeless residency to worker kids. No Dream enactment has progressed toward becoming law even bipartisan renditions (Schmid, 2103). Visionaries are not natives, so they are denied the capacity to get government human services, administrative understudy help, a Social Security number or a driver’s permit (Gonzalez, Terriques, and Ruszczyk, 2014). They are liable to expelling whenever. They are liable to expulsion whenever. The danger adds worry to the lives of relatives. Guardians might be undocumented while a few kin may have birth citizenship. Visionaries are frail and need chance to seek after upward portability. An authoritative strategy way to citizenship is proposed to give equivalent chance to undocumented migrant kids (essentially Latino) who meet certain criteria. No one but Congress can give a way to citizenship (Schmid, 2013). A steady approach for Dreamers who are demonstrating their capacity to add to our economy gives them expectation and motivating force. The proposed approach might be viewed as a blend of a discerning political model and the steady model structure on a presidential official request. The proposition has a component of limited judiciousness expanding the best great while the political angle perceives the esteem clashes between gatherings (Cummins, Byers, and Pedirick, 2011). It is steady as it isn’t proposing far reaching developments to our movement framework accordingly improving probability of section. A summary of the ongoing history of undocumented youthful grown-up approach is expected to dissect this basic issue. Foundation/Problem In 2013 by official request, President Obama allowed unapproved migrant Dreamers a chance to remain in America to study or work, however he didn’t give a way to citizenship. Visionaries can’t cast a ballot, are denied state welfare benefits despite the fact that they pay into Social Security, cover government obligations, and are not completely incorporated into networks (Schmid, 2013). A portion of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) criteria to meet all requirements for exclusion from expulsion incorporates a secondary school confirmation, GED or as of now in advanced education, persistent residency since 2007, and nonattendance of genuine criminal feelings (Schmid, 2013). Practically all candidates are affirmed, given a work grant and sustainable security for a long time. About 790,000 Dreamers have gotten these advantages (Uwemadimo, Monterrey and Linton, 2017). Research after DACA indicated how beneficiaries’ lives improved and gives proof that settler arrangement change is required. A web overview of DACA beneficiaries uncovered that 59% of respondents got another activity and 45% expanded their pay rates (Gonzalez, Terriquez and Ruszczyk, 2014). Youthful grown-ups who did not have any significant bearing for DACA, particularly those of Mexican cause, will keep on confronting hardships. Visionaries who have not connected for DACA may have been disheartened by the $465 application and restoration charge, unfit to record five years ceaseless nearness, and needed steady help (Singer and Svajlenka, 2013). It is intriguing to take note of that 75% of DACA candidates were conceived in Mexico and 75% have been here for no less than ten years (Singer and Svajlenka, 2013). President Trump finished DACA in September 2017, and issued a March 5, 2018 due date for Congress to concede to an arrangement. New candidates are not being acknowledged but rather recharges are permitted. Get help with your paper today, from our expert article authors! Qualified journalists in the subject of social arrangement are prepared and holding on to assist you with your examinations. Get help with your exposition View expertly composed examples That due date go without goals however the courts have built up current DACA beneficiaries are ensured. As of late, President Trump’s offered a citizenship approach for every youthful outsider and included expansive monies for an outskirt divider and constrained family sponsorship (lawful relocation) however it didn’t pass (Fram and Freking, 2018). The statistic partition in the Republican Party offers help for the proposed Dream Act of 2018 to pass. Research demonstrates that by 57% to 34%, Republicans more youthful than 50 bolster an arrangement to concede changeless lawful status to settlers who went to the U.S. as undocumented (Tyson, 2018). 80% of Democrats bolster citizenship for undocumented youngsters (Tyson, 2018). Arrangement The proposed Dream Act of 2018 is expected to give Dreamers the essential human ideal to procure a living pay. There are 2.1 million Dreamers who are the essential partners and the greater part are Mexican workers (Schmid, 2013). American residents are partners who will profit by youthful outsider gathering adding to our assessment base. Youthful migrants purchase American merchandise and ventures animating our economy. President Trump is a partner whose preservationist casting a ballot alliance does not advocate citizenship. Congress and Senate individuals are partners whose position is molded by their constituents, devotion to the President and individual convictions. Representatives of the U.S, Citizenship and Immigration Service are partners. Outskirt watch and the National Guard are partners who may hazard mischief to themselves. Representatives and horticultural landowners are partners who need foreigner specialists. Sensible accord among partners must work to limit the issue, address the purposes behind Republican obstruction, and increment in general open help through training. Republican representatives will consult with Democrats as they did in 2013, making a bill dependent on a legitimacy point-based citizenship way (Preston, 2013). Be that as it may, there were such a large number of partners including horticulture producers and innovation organizations for that real strategy change to pass (Preston, 2013). Another Dream demonstration is required in light of the fact that the Dream Act of 2017 has been in subcommittees since July, 2017 (“The Dream Act,” 2017). The arrangement proposed is the legitimacy based Dream Act of 2018, a blended strategy model with the steady model prevailing with reasonable political components. One approach choice is to incorporate all Dreamer (undocumented or DACA archived). The other choice is to incorporate just DACA reported youthful grown-ups. This proposition incorporates all Dreamers on the grounds that those not DACA archived have no citizenship rights. This choice lightens the most hardships for the most youthful grown-ups. It is in concordance with the National Association of Social Worker’s order to forestall and dispose of separation while enabling people. Activity Building an alliance of open and private supporters called the Our Dream Coalition is the initial phase in entry of the new Dream Act of 2018. The second step is to advocate for the proposed Dream Actor of 2018. The Our Dream Coalition’s statement of purpose is, “As one we can prevail as residents.” DACA alliances as of now exist however this alliance will concentrate on bill entry and training to address worker misinterpretations. The second step incorporates detailing the bill and acquainting the bill with the Senate and Congress in 2018. The Our Dream Coalition will comprise of social laborers, DACA beneficiaries, Catholic Charities U.S.A., the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the American Immigration Council. DACA beneficiaries give individual story sway. Catholic Charities U.S.A. gives a broad neighborhood outreach correspondence framework through its colleges and chapels. Catholic Charities has just asked President Trump to proceed DACA. The American Academy of Pediatrics gives an expert voice and vast participation base. Research show how absence of citizenship harms wellbeing (Uwemadimo et al., 2017). The American Immigration Council is a wellspring of ongoing migration law guard. Paul Zulkie is board executive who has affirmed before Congress and would loan aptitude to charge entry (“American Immigration Council Board,” n.d.). The alliance would have a correspondence, and training and an authoritative team. The Our Dream correspondence team would have two undertakings. One undertaking is keep up a site that would draw in the overall population. The second errand is keep up correspondence with part associations to empower their enrollment support. The alliance site ought to be easy to understand. It would incorporate the proposed bill layout, a call for help by tapping on an appeal catch, messaging, calling or composing an administrator data with connections, neighborhood church and college addresses by state, occasion data, enrollment data, a gift demand and a connection to the reality sheets of the American Immigration Council. A blogging segment could be a strengthening instrument for DACA beneficiaries. The correspondence team would send pamphlets, convey flyers, print actualities in chapel notices, and direct discussions. School discussions could produce grassroots developments. Get help with your exposition today, from our expert article scholars! Qualified scholars in the subject of social strategy are prepared and holding on to assist you with your investigations. Get help with your paper View expertly composed examples Training team would teach lawmakers and the general population. Information for lawmaker concerns is messaged to administrators and showed on the site. For instance, some trust that foreigners over-burden our social welfare framework. Original kids including DACA beneficiaries settle more in regulatory obligations over their lifetimeCitizenship Path for Dreamers Presentation Outsider youngsters conveyed to the United States wrongfully by their folks have experienced their lives as Americans yet are not residents. Mexican workers have turned into the biggest minority in the United States. In 2014, more than 11.7 million Mexican settlers lived in the United States (Zong and Batolva, 2016). Without citizenship, youthful Latino Americans face monetary and individual hardships that must be lightened. An arrangement that gives a way to citizenship will enable them to verify fundamental necessities. They are called Dreamers in light of the fact that the underlying 2001 enactment called the Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act (DREAM) was gone for giving changeless residency to worker kids. No Dream enactment has progressed toward becoming law even bipartisan renditions (Schmid, 2103). Visionaries are not natives, so they are denied the capacity to get government human services, administrative understudy help, a Social Security number or a driver’s permit (Gonzalez, Terriques, and Ruszczyk, 2014). They are liable to expelling whenever. They are liable to expulsion whenever. The danger adds worry to the lives of relatives. Guardians might be undocumented while a few kin may have birth citizenship. Visionaries are frail and need chance to seek after upward portability. An authoritative strategy way to citizenship is proposed to give equivalent chance to undocumented migrant kids (essentially Latino) who meet certain criteria. No one but Congress can give a way to citizenship (Schmid, 2013). A steady approach for Dreamers who are demonstrating their capacity to add to our economy gives them expectation and motivating force. The proposed approach might be viewed as a blend of a discerning political model and the steady model structure on a presidential official request. The proposition has a component of limited judiciousness expanding the best great while the political angle perceives the esteem clashes between gatherings (Cummins, Byers, and Pedirick, 2011). It is steady as it isn’t proposing far reaching developments to our movement framework accordingly improving probability of section. A summary of the ongoing history of undocumented youthful grown-up approach is expected to dissect this basic issue. Foundation/Problem In 2013 by official request, President Obama allowed unapproved migrant Dreamers a chance to remain in America to study or work, however he didn’t give a way to citizenship. Visionaries can’t cast a ballot, are denied state welfare benefits despite the fact that they pay into Social Security, cover government obligations, and are not completely incorporated into networks (Schmid, 2013). A portion of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) criteria to meet all requirements for exclusion from expulsion incorporates a secondary school confirmation, GED or as of now in advanced education, persistent residency since 2007, and nonattendance of genuine criminal feelings (Schmid, 2013). Practically all candidates are affirmed, given a work grant and sustainable security for a long time. About 790,000 Dreamers have gotten these advantages (Uwemadimo, Monterrey and Linton, 2017). Research after DACA indicated how beneficiaries’ lives improved and gives proof that settler arrangement change is required. A web overview of DACA beneficiaries uncovered that 59% of respondents got another activity and 45% expanded their pay rates (Gonzalez, Terriquez and Ruszczyk, 2014). Youthful grown-ups who did not have any significant bearing for DACA, particularly those of Mexican cause, will keep on confronting hardships. Visionaries who have not connected for DACA may have been disheartened by the $465 application and restoration charge, unfit to record five years ceaseless nearness, and needed steady help (Singer and Svajlenka, 2013). It is intriguing to take note of that 75% of DACA candidates were conceived in Mexico and 75% have been here for no less than ten years (Singer and Svajlenka, 2013). President Trump finished DACA in September 2017, and issued a March 5, 2018 due date for Congress to concede to an arrangement. New candidates are not being acknowledged but rather recharges are permitted. Get help with your paper today, from our expert article authors! Qualified journalists in the subject of social arrangement are prepared and holding on to assist you with your examinations. Get help with your exposition View expertly composed examples That due date go without goals however the courts have built up current DACA beneficiaries are ensured. As of late, President Trump’s offered a citizenship approach for every youthful outsider and included expansive monies for an outskirt divider and constrained family sponsorship (lawful relocation) however it didn’t pass (Fram and Freking, 2018). The statistic partition in the Republican Party offers help for the proposed Dream Act of 2018 to pass. Research demonstrates that by 57% to 34%, Republicans more youthful than 50 bolster an arrangement to concede changeless lawful status to settlers who went to the U.S. as undocumented (Tyson, 2018). 80% of Democrats bolster citizenship for undocumented youngsters (Tyson, 2018). Arrangement The proposed Dream Act of 2018 is expected to give Dreamers the essential human ideal to procure a living pay. There are 2.1 million Dreamers who are the essential partners and the greater part are Mexican workers (Schmid, 2013). American residents are partners who will profit by youthful outsider gathering adding to our assessment base. Youthful migrants purchase American merchandise and ventures animating our economy. President Trump is a partner whose preservationist casting a ballot alliance does not advocate citizenship. Congress and Senate individuals are partners whose position is molded by their constituents, devotion to the President and individual convictions. Representatives of the U.S, Citizenship and Immigration Service are partners. Outskirt watch and the National Guard are partners who may hazard mischief to themselves. Representatives and horticultural landowners are partners who need foreigner specialists. Sensible accord among partners must work to limit the issue, address the purposes behind Republican obstruction, and increment in general open help through training. Republican representatives will consult with Democrats as they did in 2013, making a bill dependent on a legitimacy point-based citizenship way (Preston, 2013). Be that as it may, there were such a large number of partners including horticulture producers and innovation organizations for that real strategy change to pass (Preston, 2013). Another Dream demonstration is required in light of the fact that the Dream Act of 2017 has been in subcommittees since July, 2017 (“The Dream Act,” 2017). The arrangement proposed is the legitimacy based Dream Act of 2018, a blended strategy model with the steady model prevailing with reasonable political components. One approach choice is to incorporate all Dreamer (undocumented or DACA archived). The other choice is to incorporate just DACA reported youthful grown-ups. This proposition incorporates all Dreamers on the grounds that those not DACA archived have no citizenship rights. This choice lightens the most hardships for the most youthful grown-ups. It is in concordance with the National Association of Social Worker’s order to forestall and dispose of separation while enabling people. Activity Building an alliance of open and private supporters called the Our Dream Coalition is the initial phase in entry of the new Dream Act of 2018. The second step is to advocate for the proposed Dream Actor of 2018. The Our Dream Coalition’s statement of purpose is, “As one we can prevail as residents.” DACA alliances as of now exist however this alliance will concentrate on bill entry and training to address worker misinterpretations. The second step incorporates detailing the bill and acquainting the bill with the Senate and Congress in 2018. The Our Dream Coalition will comprise of social laborers, DACA beneficiaries, Catholic Charities U.S.A., the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the American Immigration Council. DACA beneficiaries give individual story sway. Catholic Charities U.S.A. gives a broad neighborhood outreach correspondence framework through its colleges and chapels. Catholic Charities has just asked President Trump to proceed DACA. The American Academy of Pediatrics gives an expert voice and vast participation base. Research show how absence of citizenship harms wellbeing (Uwemadimo et al., 2017). The American Immigration Council is a wellspring of ongoing migration law guard. Paul Zulkie is board executive who has affirmed before Congress and would loan aptitude to charge entry (“American Immigration Council Board,” n.d.). The alliance would have a correspondence, and training and an authoritative team. The Our Dream correspondence team would have two undertakings. One undertaking is keep up a site that would draw in the overall population. The second errand is keep up correspondence with part associations to empower their enrollment support. The alliance site ought to be easy to understand. It would incorporate the proposed bill layout, a call for help by tapping on an appeal catch, messaging, calling or composing an administrator data with connections, neighborhood church and college addresses by state, occasion data, enrollment data, a gift demand and a connection to the reality sheets of the American Immigration Council. A blogging segment could be a strengthening instrument for DACA beneficiaries. The correspondence team would send pamphlets, convey flyers, print actualities in chapel notices, and direct discussions. School discussions could produce grassroots developments. Get help with your exposition today, from our expert article scholars! Qualified scholars in the subject of social strategy are prepared and holding on to assist you with your investigations. Get help with your paper View expertly composed examples Training team would teach lawmakers and the general population. Information for lawmaker concerns is messaged to administrators and showed on the site. For instance, some trust that foreigners over-burden our social welfare framework. Original kids including DACA beneficiaries settle more in regulatory obligations over their lifetime>

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