We can work on Critique of Evaluation Plans From Multiple Viewpoints – Assignment Help

To prepare:

  • Review the presentation to which you were assigned. ATTACHED BELOW
  • Assuming the role of a funder, formulate three questions you would ask to gather more information about this project.
  • Next, assuming the role of the CIO of a hospital, formulate three questions you would ask to gather more information on this project from an administrative viewpoint.
  • Consider any insights you have gained through reviewing your colleague’s evaluation plan.


Post the title of the presentation you reviewed and the three questions you formulated in the role of a funder, and explain why you chose those questions.

Next, post the three questions you formulated in the role of a hospital CIO, and explain why you chose those questions. Finally, provide a brief critique of the overall evaluation plan.

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Critique of Evaluation Plans From Multiple Viewpoints was first posted on January 5, 2021 at 1:35 am.
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