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Use the following Harvard Business Review case study for this Critical Thinking assignment:

Christensen, C.M., Raynor, M.E. (2003). (SEE ATTACHED FILE)
For this assignment, you serve as a business analyst for a company (real or fictitious) in an industry of your choice. Begin by reading the given case study, and then develop a high-level summary of the case. In addition to this, your paper should include the following:

Managers and executives with a problem may tend to quickly move to solving the problem rather than taking the time to clearly understand, or even identify, the problem: Which management theory supports this action? Which management theory does not support this action?
As a business analyst, how can managers and executives distinguish a good management theory from a bad one?
Describe how stakeholder relationships could influence executive behavior and provide one example of how stakeholder relationships contributed to improved performance of either the organization or people within the organization.

Sample Solution

Bone Cancer Bone malignant growth is bone disease, the reason is obscure. Scientists are endeavoring to discover new ways and solutions for treating this sort of malignant growth. So as to all the more likely see new exploration and new medicines, some foundation data is introduced. Bone malignancy might be analyzed as essential or auxiliary bone disease. Essential bone disease is when bone malignant growth starts to happen. Optional malignancy is analyzed when disease starts somewhere else and spreads to bone. For instance, on the off chance that somebody has bosom disease, prostate malignant growth, or lung disease, disease spreads deep down lastly creates bone malignancy, it is clarified as auxiliary bone malignancy. Bone malignant growth is an exceptionally uncommon obtrusive disease that causes extensive agony in the patient’s bone. Bone malignant growth is a sickness that happens on or during the bones. As a rule, bone malignant growth for the most part contains tumors loaded up with anomalous cells showing up outside the bone. Similarly as with different kinds of malignancy, bone disease can cause a great deal of agony and possibly hazardous. My mom was analyzed as essential bone malignant growth a year ago. What’s more, that is a long and troublesome procedure for her and her family. Bone disease is a harmful tumor emerging from the cells that make up the bones of the body. This is otherwise called essential bone malignant growth. Essential bone tumor is a tumor that shows up in the bone tissue itself and is benevolent or dangerous (bone disease). Favorable kindhearted (noncancerous) tumors are more normal than bone malignant growths. At the point when disease happens in bone, the malignancy happens in bone (like essential bone malignancy), or it happens in different parts and afterward moves to bone (metastasis or auxiliary metastasis to disease ). Truth be told, when disease is distinguished in the bone it as a rule begins with another organ or part of the body and afterward spreads deep down. This malignancy that metastasizes deep down is named after the name of the site where the first disease started (for instance, metastatic prostate disease metastasized to bone). Bosom malignant growth, prostate disease, and lung malignant growth are sorts of tumors that metastasize deep down at a propelled stage. Osteosarcoma. Osteosarcoma is the most well-known type of bone malignant growth. In this sort of tumor, malignant growth cells make bones. This kind of bone disease most ordinarily happens in youngsters and youngsters, bones of feet and arms. In uncommon cases, osteosarcoma may happen outside bone (exoskeleton osteosarcoma) Bone disease is an uncommon kind of malignancy got from human bone structure. Bone malignant growth can happen in each human bone, however it typically happens in the long bones of the upper appendages and lower appendages of people. A few sorts of bone malignancies are known, some influence the youngsters, others basically influence grown-ups (Mayo Clinic, 2015, page 1). The more normal kinds of bone malignancies are: (An) osteosarcoma, a sort of dangerous tumor.>

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