Using the concepts of continuity and transformation, examine and completely discuss the following: Through the ages, artistic activity has often been focused in particular cities or groups of cities. Three of these concentrations stand out, each representative of a different time and era in the history of Western art: The Rome-Florence-Venice triangle (Renaissance and High Renaissance) Paris (Impressionism and Post-Impressionism) New York (Abstract Expressionism). Consider all three locales and discuss artists, works of art, and historic periods associated with each locale. Include in your answer each localeâs noted artists and their art works, showing how each work is reflective of a specific period. Thoroughly discuss these artworks and art historical periods in terms of continuity and transformation. Coverage: The paper should cover the three locales listed above and discuss artists, works of art, and historic periods associated with each locale. The paper should concentrate on themes of continuity and transformation. Reflection: The paper should include your personal reflections on the art of each period. Proper terminology: The paper should accurately identify periods and styles of art and use art terminology properly. Development: The paper should be well-developed , organized, coherent, and unified.
Sample Solution
Numerous wellbeing advancement activities had been attempted all over. In any case, the most significant is that such activities ought to build up specific parts of attributes dependent on best practice so as to be portrayed as effective. This implies the activity must be steady with wellbeing advancement esteems, hypotheses, proof and downplaying of the earth (Kahan and Goodstadt 2005). Despite the fact that the meaning of wellbeing advancement practice is comprehensively acknowledged, it isn’t fixed to any thoroughly characterized order, and is said to be rehearsed by people in different associations, prepared in a variety of controls (Boutilier et al. 2000). As a rule, wellbeing advancement activities underscore components of strengthening, investment, multidisciplinary cooperation, limit building, value and practical improvement (Judd et al. 2001). The Ottawa Charter is viewed as the foundation of any wellbeing advancement practice and it is going about as the wheel that aides all wellbeing experts into a perfect and best routine with regards to wellbeing advancement related issues. What’s more, the best practice is given through viable arranging and assessment. A working manual for assistance in effectively accomplishing the objective is by a methodology concentrating on the accompanying focuses: recognizing the issue, picking up help and framing a working gathering, directing a requirements appraisal and get to knowing your locale, building up an activity plan, empowering support, speaking with general society through the media, actualizing change, observing, assessment and alterations (NLHHP 2003). In this examine, I will fundamentally survey a wellbeing advancement activity by contrasting the attributes of this activity against the standards of best practice. The activity model: (Attention: the dynamic is appended toward the part of the arrangement). Secker-Walker, Roger H ; Flynn, Brian S. ; Solomon, Laura J. ; Skelly, Joan M. ; Dorwaldt, Anne L.; Ashikaga, Takamaru (2000) Helping Women Quit Smoking: Results of a Community Intervention Program, American Public Health Association, Inc. Volume 90(6), June 2000, pp 940-946. Smoking loans to wellbeing advancement arrangement: Smoking is a difficult medical issue worldwide and it is viewed as the subsequent significant reason for death. It is at present in charge of the passing of one out of ten grown-ups (WHO 2005). Unmistakably smoking end is a need for forestalling numerous sicknesses and lessening their weight. There is a genuine need to extend the execution of procedures to diminish tobacco utilize, for example, expanding the expense of cigarettes and actualizing thorough tobacco-useâcounteractive action and suspension programs. (CDC 2003). Thusly, advancing smoking discontinuance can have an incredible effect in decreasing the weight of sicknesses and improving the populace wellbeing (Ezzati and Lopez 2003). In any case, the wellbeing advancement isn’t only the obligation of the wellbeing division, however goes past sound ways of life to prosperity (WHO 2005). Thus, a great deal of endeavors at various levels are required so as to control smoking. This could be accomplished well just through appropriate wellbeing advancement intercession. In addition, the wellbeing advancement is characterized as a lot of exercises intended to accomplish ideal wellbeing for all by checking and upgrading the heath of everybody and encouraging individual power over the determinants of wellbeing (Kahan and Goodstadt 2005). The definition itself sounds an intelligent answer for the high smoking commonness among ladies. This is a direct result of that so as to take care of such issue, the ladies themselves ought to be effectively included and the network ought to be enabled. What’s more, the physical and social strong condition ought to be guaranteed so as to keep up smoking discontinuance. This is just guaranteed through a wellbeing advancement activity. The most ideal approach to decrease the commonness of smoking might be to utilize network wide programs since smoking conduct is dictated by social setting. A people group approach will stay a significant piece of wellbeing advancement exercises (Secker-Walker et al. 2002). It has been demonstrated that wellbeing advancement activity will empower smoking end and could anticipate generous quantities of passings in the UK (Lewis et al. 2005). Needs appraisal and its responsibility for populace wishes: It is significant, most importantly, to distinguish the issue through the need evaluation. This is finished by gathering the vital data that determines the requirements that are considered as need by the network. This gives a chance to the network to end up associated with the arranging from the earliest starting point (Territory Health Services 2005). The wellbeing needs are characterized as those states, conditions or factors in the network that, if missing, will keep individuals from accomplishing total physical, mental and social wellbeing (Ritchie et al. 2004). In this task, the need appraisal isn’t all around directed and the various needs were not very much evaluated. It isn’t referenced in this article whether the network profile was broke down or not. Notwithstanding, the venture examiners sat with neighborhood individuals, directed meetings with key sources and imparted data to them. By the by, the accompanying needs could be made sense of: The decrease in smoking pervasiveness among United States ladies was lingering behind that of men. This necessities the need of research on systems to achieve smoking end among ladies. There is genuine ladies’ requirements for social help while stopping also, their requirement for help with adapting to negative effect without smoking, and their worries about weight increase following stopping. Cigarette smoking is a hazard factor for cardiovascular sicknesses. The smoking is a noteworthy medical issue that can cause demise. Numerous people group based projects have been directed to lessen cardiovascular hazard factors, including cigarette smoking. A portion of these projects demonstrated the mediation consequences for smoking conduct are successful. In the wake of dissecting this article, clearly the need evaluation demonstrates that smoking decrease among ladies is a need general wellbeing in United States. This is a regulating need. The best routine with regards to wellbeing advancement underscoring the sharing of need appraisal with nearby individuals so as to improve the opportunity of accomplishment of any mediation. Along these lines, the achievement is guaranteed in light of the fact that sharing the consequences of the necessities appraisal will raise network mindfulness about the issues and conceivable hidden causes, animate dialog about approaches to address the issues and get the network progressively engaged with arranging and basic leadership (Territory Health Services 2005). There is clear data in the article that the network individuals were associated with the arranging and execution of the intercession all through the five years time frame. Then again, it isn’t referenced obviously how they survey the felt needs (for example regardless of whether the local gatherings state what they need, or address the issues that they believe are significant (Territory Health Services 2005)). By the by, the participatory network association was utilized to design and give far reaching backing to ladies smokers as they attempted to change their smoking conduct. The similar and communicated needs were not evaluated. Objectives and destinations of the activity: It is basic after the requirements evaluation is finished, to set up fitting objectives and goals. The initial phase in basic examination of objective and destinations is whether these had been expressed unmistakably. The objective of this mediation was to diminish the predominance of cigarette smoking among ladies matured 18 to 64 years of age in Vermont and New Hampshire. This objective is explicit, quantifiable, feasible and incorporates the idea of progress anticipated. It will be increasingly far reaching on the off chance that it was referenced that it was constrained to five years, which is the term of the venture and to indicate the measure of smoking pervasiveness decrease so as to know precisely what mediation achievement implies. Be that as it may, this objective identifies the expansive long haul changed that was relied upon to be accomplished at last (Hawe et al. 1990). The goal isn’t referenced in this article. Rather they referenced the sub-destinations. Notwithstanding, by breaking down the article I feel the target ought to intently serve the objective. This implies accomplishing decrease in the smoking predominance through a positive change in the ladies smoking conduct. Accordingly, the goal ought to be expressed as to expand the quantity of genuine quit endeavors among ladies matured 18 to 64 years of age in Vermont and New Hampshire by 20% for instance. So the targets will be likewise explicit, quantifiable, reachable, incorporates the idea of progress expected and time constrained (SACHRU 2005). The sub-targets were unmistakably referenced. These were to expand inspiration and expectation to stop smoking and trust in “staying quit” regardless of weight addition and negative effect, to build consciousness of discontinuance exercises and to reinforce apparent standards and accessible help to enable ladies to stop smoking. It is realized that a sub-target ought to occur before the goal in the pathway and it may make an adjustment for the goal (Hawe et al. 1990). Remembering this, there is an unmistakable depiction errand of these sub-destinations and they intently serve the goal by considering how to conquer ladies’ negative inclination influence and along these lines make an adjustment in the conduct. Unexpectedly, they were not time restricted and some of them appears be hard to be estimated like increment trust in “staying quit” regardless of weight increase and negative effect and furthermore impression of standards. It is basic for any great wellbeing advancement wanting to concentrate on basic causes and factors that could contribute or prompt the issue (Kahan and Goodstadt 2005). Thusly, advancement of clear and composed objective and destinations dependent on a basic examination of the issue as far as contributing and hazard factors>
Numerous wellbeing advancement activities had been attempted all over. In any case, the most significant is that such activities ought to build up specific parts of attributes dependent on best practice so as to be portrayed as effective. This implies the activity must be steady with wellbeing advancement esteems, hypotheses, proof and downplaying of the earth (Kahan and Goodstadt 2005). Despite the fact that the meaning of wellbeing advancement practice is comprehensively acknowledged, it isn’t fixed to any thoroughly characterized order, and is said to be rehearsed by people in different associations, prepared in a variety of controls (Boutilier et al. 2000). As a rule, wellbeing advancement activities underscore components of strengthening, investment, multidisciplinary cooperation, limit building, value and practical improvement (Judd et al. 2001). The Ottawa Charter is viewed as the foundation of any wellbeing advancement practice and it is going about as the wheel that aides all wellbeing experts into a perfect and best routine with regards to wellbeing advancement related issues. What’s more, the best practice is given through viable arranging and assessment. A working manual for assistance in effectively accomplishing the objective is by a methodology concentrating on the accompanying focuses: recognizing the issue, picking up help and framing a working gathering, directing a requirements appraisal and get to knowing your locale, building up an activity plan, empowering support, speaking with general society through the media, actualizing change, observing, assessment and alterations (NLHHP 2003). In this examine, I will fundamentally survey a wellbeing advancement activity by contrasting the attributes of this activity against the standards of best practice. The activity model: (Attention: the dynamic is appended toward the part of the arrangement). Secker-Walker, Roger H ; Flynn, Brian S. ; Solomon, Laura J. ; Skelly, Joan M. ; Dorwaldt, Anne L.; Ashikaga, Takamaru (2000) Helping Women Quit Smoking: Results of a Community Intervention Program, American Public Health Association, Inc. Volume 90(6), June 2000, pp 940-946. Smoking loans to wellbeing advancement arrangement: Smoking is a difficult medical issue worldwide and it is viewed as the subsequent significant reason for death. It is at present in charge of the passing of one out of ten grown-ups (WHO 2005). Unmistakably smoking end is a need for forestalling numerous sicknesses and lessening their weight. There is a genuine need to extend the execution of procedures to diminish tobacco utilize, for example, expanding the expense of cigarettes and actualizing thorough tobacco-useâcounteractive action and suspension programs. (CDC 2003). Thusly, advancing smoking discontinuance can have an incredible effect in decreasing the weight of sicknesses and improving the populace wellbeing (Ezzati and Lopez 2003). In any case, the wellbeing advancement isn’t only the obligation of the wellbeing division, however goes past sound ways of life to prosperity (WHO 2005). Thus, a great deal of endeavors at various levels are required so as to control smoking. This could be accomplished well just through appropriate wellbeing advancement intercession. In addition, the wellbeing advancement is characterized as a lot of exercises intended to accomplish ideal wellbeing for all by checking and upgrading the heath of everybody and encouraging individual power over the determinants of wellbeing (Kahan and Goodstadt 2005). The definition itself sounds an intelligent answer for the high smoking commonness among ladies. This is a direct result of that so as to take care of such issue, the ladies themselves ought to be effectively included and the network ought to be enabled. What’s more, the physical and social strong condition ought to be guaranteed so as to keep up smoking discontinuance. This is just guaranteed through a wellbeing advancement activity. The most ideal approach to decrease the commonness of smoking might be to utilize network wide programs since smoking conduct is dictated by social setting. A people group approach will stay a significant piece of wellbeing advancement exercises (Secker-Walker et al. 2002). It has been demonstrated that wellbeing advancement activity will empower smoking end and could anticipate generous quantities of passings in the UK (Lewis et al. 2005). Needs appraisal and its responsibility for populace wishes: It is significant, most importantly, to distinguish the issue through the need evaluation. This is finished by gathering the vital data that determines the requirements that are considered as need by the network. This gives a chance to the network to end up associated with the arranging from the earliest starting point (Territory Health Services 2005). The wellbeing needs are characterized as those states, conditions or factors in the network that, if missing, will keep individuals from accomplishing total physical, mental and social wellbeing (Ritchie et al. 2004). In this task, the need appraisal isn’t all around directed and the various needs were not very much evaluated. It isn’t referenced in this article whether the network profile was broke down or not. Notwithstanding, the venture examiners sat with neighborhood individuals, directed meetings with key sources and imparted data to them. By the by, the accompanying needs could be made sense of: The decrease in smoking pervasiveness among United States ladies was lingering behind that of men. This necessities the need of research on systems to achieve smoking end among ladies. There is genuine ladies’ requirements for social help while stopping also, their requirement for help with adapting to negative effect without smoking, and their worries about weight increase following stopping. Cigarette smoking is a hazard factor for cardiovascular sicknesses. The smoking is a noteworthy medical issue that can cause demise. Numerous people group based projects have been directed to lessen cardiovascular hazard factors, including cigarette smoking. A portion of these projects demonstrated the mediation consequences for smoking conduct are successful. In the wake of dissecting this article, clearly the need evaluation demonstrates that smoking decrease among ladies is a need general wellbeing in United States. This is a regulating need. The best routine with regards to wellbeing advancement underscoring the sharing of need appraisal with nearby individuals so as to improve the opportunity of accomplishment of any mediation. Along these lines, the achievement is guaranteed in light of the fact that sharing the consequences of the necessities appraisal will raise network mindfulness about the issues and conceivable hidden causes, animate dialog about approaches to address the issues and get the network progressively engaged with arranging and basic leadership (Territory Health Services 2005). There is clear data in the article that the network individuals were associated with the arranging and execution of the intercession all through the five years time frame. Then again, it isn’t referenced obviously how they survey the felt needs (for example regardless of whether the local gatherings state what they need, or address the issues that they believe are significant (Territory Health Services 2005)). By the by, the participatory network association was utilized to design and give far reaching backing to ladies smokers as they attempted to change their smoking conduct. The similar and communicated needs were not evaluated. Objectives and destinations of the activity: It is basic after the requirements evaluation is finished, to set up fitting objectives and goals. The initial phase in basic examination of objective and destinations is whether these had been expressed unmistakably. The objective of this mediation was to diminish the predominance of cigarette smoking among ladies matured 18 to 64 years of age in Vermont and New Hampshire. This objective is explicit, quantifiable, feasible and incorporates the idea of progress anticipated. It will be increasingly far reaching on the off chance that it was referenced that it was constrained to five years, which is the term of the venture and to indicate the measure of smoking pervasiveness decrease so as to know precisely what mediation achievement implies. Be that as it may, this objective identifies the expansive long haul changed that was relied upon to be accomplished at last (Hawe et al. 1990). The goal isn’t referenced in this article. Rather they referenced the sub-destinations. Notwithstanding, by breaking down the article I feel the target ought to intently serve the objective. This implies accomplishing decrease in the smoking predominance through a positive change in the ladies smoking conduct. Accordingly, the goal ought to be expressed as to expand the quantity of genuine quit endeavors among ladies matured 18 to 64 years of age in Vermont and New Hampshire by 20% for instance. So the targets will be likewise explicit, quantifiable, reachable, incorporates the idea of progress expected and time constrained (SACHRU 2005). The sub-targets were unmistakably referenced. These were to expand inspiration and expectation to stop smoking and trust in “staying quit” regardless of weight addition and negative effect, to build consciousness of discontinuance exercises and to reinforce apparent standards and accessible help to enable ladies to stop smoking. It is realized that a sub-target ought to occur before the goal in the pathway and it may make an adjustment for the goal (Hawe et al. 1990). Remembering this, there is an unmistakable depiction errand of these sub-destinations and they intently serve the goal by considering how to conquer ladies’ negative inclination influence and along these lines make an adjustment in the conduct. Unexpectedly, they were not time restricted and some of them appears be hard to be estimated like increment trust in “staying quit” regardless of weight increase and negative effect and furthermore impression of standards. It is basic for any great wellbeing advancement wanting to concentrate on basic causes and factors that could contribute or prompt the issue (Kahan and Goodstadt 2005). Thusly, advancement of clear and composed objective and destinations dependent on a basic examination of the issue as far as contributing and hazard factors>