We can work on Competitive Analysis.

Identify at least two major competitors or those two products that are trying to sell essentially identical products to the same type of consumer. Then, identify at least three criteria that are important to those consumers when they are making their decision as to which of the three competing offers to buy (e.g. price, specific benefit, service, warranty, convenience, specific feature, etc.). Make a chart with the three criteria along the left-hand side and the competitor products (including your own product) across the top. Rank each of the products on a scale from 1= low to 5= high on each performs on each of the three criteria. Add down each column. Which product ranked highest overall based on the sum of the columns? Then, look at the highest score in each of the criteria boxes. Explain the following…Which products ranked the highest on each of the three criteria? Was it the same product, was it three different products? What do these results tell you about the competitive environment of your product category. Which product is the leader? Which product is the follower, challenger and nicher, if those categories apply? Include your chart in your text.

Sample Solution

Epic of Beowulf Essay – Heroes – Then and Now Beowulf – at that point saint and the current legend changed the day of Beowulf today. Early saints in the Beowulf time frame were predominantly public watchmen, for example, warriors and lords. The present job has changed, and legends incorporate superstars and competitors. Our general public has changed, so the job has changed. In the Beowulf time frame, the King is the most significant. Without the ruler, this nation surely will fall into ruin. The commitment of the ruler is to guard the nation. What is the character of the fabulous saint? The eminent saint is the legend of interest and the intensity of Superman shows fearlessness, liberality and reliability. Deciphered by Barton Raffle, the epic story Beowulf was truly outstanding and most celebrated legends of the time. In the novel Beowulf, the epic legend Beowulf shows the qualities of fearlessness, physical quality, reliability, certainty, and intelligence simply like the present saint. In the epic Beowulf, the title character communicates his quality and fortitude in different manners. Beowulf and Sir Gawain: Heroes of superb saints, Beowulf and Sir Gawain and Green Knights, Beowulf and Sir Gawain draw five chivalrous highlights through their very own excursion. Both legends show fortitude and fearlessness in a differentiating way that looks like, and are capable in weapons, quality, moral uprightness and shrewdness. From murdering lowlifess and mythical beasts, to getting earlier information and knowledge and settling on the correct choice, they are two genuine instances of radiant saints. First trademark For what reason is Beowulf viewed as a legend? Numerous stories are composed and overlooked. In any case, Beowulf’s epic is as yet one of the main instances of gallant legends. This brings unavoidable issues. For what reason is Beowulf viewed as a saint? Toward the start of the story, a legendary beast named Glendell is assaulting Heroto, the pig homestead of King Hero King. At the point when Beowulf heard the misfortune, he willfully chose to battle the legendary monster. The creator expressed, “Beowulf can pick the most remarkable individual, locate the most brave and the best Geats, and locate a sum of 14 individuals.” When Beowulf shows up, I will eat a gala and I will remain at Herot. To battle against Glendel. In the epic “Beowulf”, a legend shows up after someone else passes on. A great legend must make a risky excursion notwithstanding a foe that undermines the nation and clan. Furthermore, the eminent saint speaks to the qualities ​​and goals society generally esteemed. Character Wiglaf shows the qualities of a genuine legend and steadily turns into a saint of the epic Beowulf. All through the story, Wiglaf demonstrates Beowulf’s replacement by typifying dependability, commitment to other people, fearlessness and boldness.>

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