We can work on communication business questions

Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is three-fold: 1) demonstrate how cultural differences can cause
challenges when conducting business, 2) introduce key concepts in intercultural business, and 3) encourage you
to critically analyze how to overcome cross-cultural difference so business can be done in a mutually
satisfactory manner.
Directions: Read the scenario below. When reading the scenario, pretend you are the business associate being
sent to do business in India. Then, read the questions for analysis and be sure to refresh your memory on each
key term before starting this assignment. When you understand the scenario and terms that will be used in the
analysis, read the links provided to better understand cultural and business practices in the United States and
India. When you are prepared to tackle the analysis, address each question thoroughly and clearly.
Scenario: You are a 32-year old, female sales representative who works for an American company that
produces computer parts. You can secure a huge deal with a new customer, but you need a specific computer
part from a parts supplier at a cheap price to ensure the deal will be profitable for your company. You work
directly under your companys president and have been asked to travel abroad to the supplier in India to
purchase these parts. You will be flying to India and attending this business meeting alone. Your company has
never worked with this company before but you heard they produce quality products at a good price. Your
president booked travel plans for you immediatelyyou will be flying to India in 7-days. Once you arrive you
will stay only 3-days and need to secure a deal for these computer parts on your trip. If you dont secure the
deal, the new customer you are working with will not sign a deal with your company. If you come back from
your trip having made a deal and present your boss with a signed contract, your company will give you a $5,000
bonus. You really need the money and will only have 3-days to make the deal.
Analysis: When traveling abroad to do business, its important to understand cultural differences and how they
can impact successful business partnerships. Over the course of the semester we have discussed several pairs of
concepts, some of which are listed below. Read the links Ive provided on the following page to build your
understanding of how Americas and Indians are different and similar, both in general cultural practices, and in
business. Then, address each of the seven question below. Each question should be addressed in roughly 5-
6 sentences each. Be clear, specific, and use examples in your responses to let me know you understand
the course terms and how they could impact your ability to conduct business successfully.
1. Who is the Individualistic culture? Who is the Collectivistic culture? How will these differences impact
the business deal you are trying to secure?
2. Who is the Low Power Distance culture? Who is the High Power Distance culture? How will these
differences impact the business deal you are trying to secure?
3. Who is the Polychronic culture? Who is the Monochronic culture? How will these differences impact
the business deal you are trying to secure?
4. Who is Relationship Oriented? Who is Task Oriented? How will these differences impact the business
deal you are trying to secure?
5. Who is more likely to practice Harmony (being indirect)? Who is more likely to practice Honesty (being
direct)? How will these differences impact the business deal you are trying to secure?
6. As an American doing business in India, provide three specific pieces of advice for things to either do or
avoid when interacting with your potential business partner. When addressing this question, consider
rules for gift giving, attire, business card etiquette, etc.
7. Based on this analysis, do you think you are likely to make a business deal (sign a formal contract) in 3-
daystime? Why or why not? What would be your biggest barriers to overcome?
Helpful links for completing this analysis:
Culture #1 (United States)Click on the following links to read about Americas business culture:
Scroll down, click on, and read the subheading Business Culture:
Look at the scores and read the information for all 6 dimensions of culture: https://www.hofstedeinsights.com/country-comparison/the-usa/
Culture #2 (India)Click on the following links to read about Indias business culture:
Scroll down, click on, and read the subheading Business Culture:
https://culturalatlas.sbs.com.au/indian-culture/indian-culture-business-culture – indian-culture-businessculture
Look at the scores and read the information for all 6 dimensions of culture: https://www.hofstedeinsights.com/country-comparison/india/
Notes on citations: When you are writing the analysis, use the in-text citations provided below. If you cite
anything word-for-word, be sure to place quotations around the material. If you are putting the information in
your own words, you still need to cite the information, but you dont need quotations marks around the
material. No reference page is needed unless you do additional outside research.
According to Cultural Atlas (2020)
According to Hofstedes Insights (2020)
Grading Criteria (100 points total)
Each response is clear, specific, and properly supported with research:
CLEAR– Each question clearly addresses which term coordinates with what culture (America or India).
It should always be clear what question is being addressed. Full sentences/paragraphs should be used
throughout (no bullet points). Please place the number of the question (1, 2, 3, etc.) in front of each
response. Do NOT include the questions from the prompt in your final analysis paper.
SPECIFIC– Responses use specific examples from the research links provided to support each analysis
o X culture is individualistic and we can see this because,
RESEARCHin-text citations are used throughout each entry. Direct quotes and paraphrases are used
properly. Any additional research requires both reference page and in-text citations.
o Lack of proper references will result in a failing gradewe always need to give credit where
credit is due.

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