We can work on Columbia Southern University Enforcing COVID 19 Liability Waiver Discussion – Assignment Help

Help me study for my Business Law class. I’m stuck and don’t understand.

Many businesses during the Covid-19 pandemic are having customers and clients sign Covid-19 liability waivers. Liability waivers are a contract designed to release a business from liability if the customer is harmed in any way by the business. A major question that has come up is are these waivers valid? There is no affirmative answer to this question yet because cases involving Covid-19 and businesses still have not made their way through the courts. This is an incredibly exciting and new issue in contracts! Yes I am nerding out and get excited about things like this! =) Below is a link to a brief article on Covid-19 waivers. Please read the article for reference and more information on waivers. Then answer the following questions:

1. What are some potential benefits of courts enforcing Covid-19 waivers?

2. What are some potential issues surrounding enforcing Covid-19 waivers?

Keep your answers short (identify one benefit/one issue).


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