We can work on Clemson University Criminal Justice Article Analysis – Assignment Help

Question Description

Students will complete an Article Analysis. Students will research a news article related to ethics in criminal justice. The news article will be submitted with a two-page analysis of the article and the ethical issues/dilemmas presented. Do not spend your time summarizing the article. Instead, use the 5-step process of analyzing/resolving ethical dilemmas using ethical systems outlined in your text (discussed on page 17 and page 42 of my copy).


  1. Identify the facts (very briefly)
  2. Identify relevant values and concepts
  3. Identify all possible moral dilemmas
  4. Decide what is the most immediate moral or ethical issue facing the individual
  5. Resolve the ethical or moral dilemma by using an ethical system (identify the system)

APA format is required. Include a cover page, body, and reference page (I do not need an abstract). Include a link to the article in your reference page.

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