We can work on Chemical digestion

It is important for us to understand that what we consume each day impacts the biochemical activity in our bodies. For this assignment, you are to keep a food journal and record all of the food and drink items that you consume over a 24-hour period.


Review the materials on chemical digestion
Analyze the different macromolecule categories
Identify specific locations where digestion takes place
Review the major enzymes that facilitate this process

After you have recorded everything you had to eat and drink during this 24-hour period, explain how each item is digested. In your response, complete the following:

You must identify the major macromolecules in each food/drink item.
After you have identified the major macromolecules, you then need to list where the chemical digestion of those macromolecules occurs and
Which enzymes are important for their proper digestion.
You may submit this information in a table format that is desired for better organization and presentation.
Write up your responses in a Word document.

Sample Solution

Prejudice in The Song of Roland Unfortunately, prejudice in “Roland of Rowland” is a breeding of fear and hatred by a combination of ignorance and jealousy, a theme being repeated in history, finally being expressed in the form of prejudice It is. The conflict between Christianity and Muslim religion takes precedence over the narrower range of any particular warfare, as evidenced by the historical events of Roland songs, and at least in part the resulting prejudice By blind recognition of. Been formed. Ignorance and embarrassment of Christian Europe for representatives of the world other than Christianity. In “Anonymous” (Robert Harrison translation), the theme of the relation between the Lord and the vassal is outstanding. This aspect of the medieval epic stories “Roland’s Song” is important as it means at least how to understand medieval classes in “Roland of Rowland”. There is a feudal system above God, Charlemagne has the “level” of his vassals under him (as his vassal) and under the king. And they are seen as a direct representative of Christ. In this hierarchy, all the final authority is in God, the behavior of the people under him is manifestation of God’s will. In other words, it is important to point out that the success of the vassals depends on their loyalty. Through medieval epic “Roland’s Song”, the talker will convince the reader that Christians are winning for their grace for God. Except for the sinful gannelon, all the protagonists are called not only Charlemagne, but ultimately a god aristocrat. People receive the impression that Charlemagne was chosen by God, so in the text of the world, the most respected role for anyone is to serve as a vassal and serve worthy lords It is that. This system of lords and vassals seems to be a unified aspect between Christians and Muslims in the text, and that this society based on medieval warriors will collapse unless it relies on authority system I have a sense. Furthermore, without such a series of leaders, the entire system of consideration of God will collapse.>

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