We can work on Charles Dickens based elements of his stories

Select the response that best completes the statement or answers the question.

  1. Charles Dickens based elements of his stories on all of the following except

a. his mother’s cruel temperament.
b. his childhood in England.
c. a dirty, post-industrialized England.
d. his experiences in a factory as a child.

  1. Determine what Tennyson means by “state to state” in stanza 82, lines 5 and 6 from In Memoriam, A.H.H.: “Eternal process moving on, / From state to state the spirit walks . . .”

a. personal choices in life
b. the end of life
c. the stages of life and death d. different parts of the country

  1. Which answer choice best describes the speaker in In Memoriam, A.H.H.?

a. a distant friend of A.H.H.
b. Alfred, Lord Tennyson
c. someone who did not know A.H.H.
d. someone who worries over his own death

  1. Why did Tennyson write In Memoriam, A.H.H.?

a. to honor a friend who died
b. to celebrate Queen Victoria’s reignc. to mourn the death of his father
d. to describe a myth of long ago

  1. What is the theme of In Memoriam, A.H.H.?

a. The end of love is death.
b. Love fails to prevent death.
c. Death means an end to friendship. d. Love lasts even after death.

Unit 3 Evaluation

ENGH 044

_ 6.

_ 7.

_ 8.

_ 9.

_ 10.

_ 11.

_ 12.

Determine the meaning of line 13 of stanza 130 in In Memoriam, A.H.H.: “Far off thou art, but ever nigh.”

a. The speaker regrets that A.H.H. ever left the country.
b. No matter how much he remembers, death still removes his friend forever. c. Although A.H.H. is dead, the speaker holds his memory close.
d. Death and life are closer than it may seem.

Which answer best characterizes the persona’s attitude toward Death in In Memoriam, A.H.H.?

a. The speaker sees Death as a welcome friend at the end of a long life.
b. The persona does not blame Death, even though it has made him miserable. c. The persona fears Death, for it has taken everything that he treasured.
d. The speaker wishes to face Death in a fair fight, face to face.

The speaker from In Memoriam, A.H.H. senses his friend in all of the following placesexcept

a. in stars and flowers.
b. in the rising sun.
c. in the woods around his house. d. in the water.

In “The Lady of Shalott,” what does the Lady of Shalott spend her time doing?

a. thinking b. waiting c. singing d. weaving

What is one important message Tennyson tries to communicate in “The Lady ofShalott”?

a. Society makes loners of artists.
b. No one listens to poets.
c. Love always ends unhappily.
d. People should pay attention to curses.

How come the Lady of Shalott cannot leave her island?

a. She has no means of transport at the poem’s beginning.b. A curse is on her that forbids her doing so.
c. The king in Camelot has forbidden her to do so.
d. She is too overburdened with her weaving to do so.

In form and content, “The Lady of Shalott” recalls

a. Christian allegories. b. national epics.
c. medieval romances. d. classical drama.

Unit 3 Evaluation

ENGH 044

_ 13.

_ 14.

_ 15.

_ 16.

_ 17.

_ 18.

_ 19.

_ 20.

What Victorian message is portrayed by “The Lady of Shalott”?

a. She lives in a castle.
b. She is very emotional.
c. Her duty is to stay in the castle and weave. d. She flings herself into the real world.

In what way is the lady in “The Lady of Shalott” like an artist?

a. She suffers from a curse.
b. She lives on a silent isle.
c. She is robed in snowy white. d. She weaves a magic web.

Determine what the speaker means in line 16 from “Tears, Idle Tears”: “Dear as remembered kisses after death. . .”

a. The memory of kisses of someone who has died is sweet.
b. Kisses we remember after we are dead are hard to remember. c. We quickly forget the kisses of those who have died.
d. We remember the kisses of only those who are now gone.

What is the main idea of “Tears, Idle Tears”?

a. Mornings are a time of sad memories. b. People should be happy in the present. c. Memories cause sadness.
d. All memories should not be sad.

Who is the speaker in the poem “Ulysses”?

a. the gods
b. Ulysses himself c. the mariners
d. Telemachus

What does the speaker plan to do in “Ulysses”?

a. He plans to rule his country for many years. b. He plans to teach his son to be a good sailor. c. He plans to board his ship and sail away.
d. He plans to retire and quietly await his death.

Who is the speaker talking to in “My Last Duchess”?

a. his new wife, whom he has just married
b. his first wife, whose painting hangs on the wall
c. an agent for the father of the woman he wants to marry d. himself, while he thinks about whom he wants to marry

What is the subject of the speaker’s monologue in “My Last Duchess”?

a. his deceased wife
b. his love of art
c. the father of the woman he wants to marry d. someone who wants to marry his wife

Unit 3 Evaluation

ENGH 044

_ 21.

_ 22.

_ 23.

_ 24.

_ 25.

_ 26.

_ 27.

How do you know “My Last Duchess” is a dramatic monologue?

a. The listener responds to the speaker’s comments.b. Both the speaker and listener address the reader. c. The speaker is the person who wrote the poem. d. The speaker addresses a silent listener.

“My Last Duchess” shows social criticism in all of the following ways except

a. the Duke seems more concerned about a dowry than about love.
b. the Duke’s admiration of his first wife’s independence.
c. the Duke is offended that his previous wife didn’t thank him for his good name.d. the Duke points out a statue of Neptune, very proud of its price and rarity.

Compare the following two lines and determine what the speakers have in common:“. . . I gave commands; / Then all smiles stopped together . . .” (from “My Last Duchess,” lines 45 and 46) and “That moment she was mine, mine, fair” (from “Porphyria’s Lover,” lines 36).

a. possessiveness
b. generosity
c. playfulness
d. eagerness to please

What is the main idea of “My Last Duchess”?

a. death b. revenge c. love
d. power

Based on the description of the woman in “Porphyria’s Lover,” how do her feelings compare to his?

a. She feels the same way he does.
b. She does not care for him.
c. She is actively pursuing him and trying to win his love. d. She is anxious to avoid his affections.

What kind of speaker would have the OPPOSITE personality as the speaker in “My Last Duchess.”

a. a speaker who craves power and prestige b. a speaker who does not love his wife
c. a speaker who regrets his actions
d. a speaker who wishes to marry for love

How do we learn about the speaker’s mental state in “Porphyria’s Lover”?

a. His main concern in Porphyria’s welfare.
b. He only claims to love Porphyria to make someone jealous.
c. He worries that Porphyria will take advantage of him.
d. He speaks of strangling Porphyria, showing that he is unstable.

Unit 3 Evaluation

ENGH 044

_ 28.

_ 29.

_ 30.

_ 31.

_ 32.

_ 33.

_ 34.

In “Porphyria’s Lover,” there is a contrast between

a. what Porphyria says and what she does.
b. what the speaker says he feels and what he talks of doing. c. the way each of the lovers feels about love.
d. the stormy weather and the peaceful love.

In “Porphyria’s Lover,” what does the speaker use to strangle Porphyria?

a. her hair b. his hair c. a rope d. a string

Why does the speaker strangle Porphyria?

a. to get revenge
b. to hide his love
c. the reader does not know d. he despises her

The loves expressed in “Porphyria’s Lover” and “Sonnet 43” are both

a. angry with one person. b. quiet and still.
c. centered on one person. d. deep and true.

What question does the speaker answer in “Sonnet 43”?

a. Does love survive death?
b. In what ways do I love you? c. Do you love me?
d. What is the meaning of love?

Consider the following quote from lines 11 and 12 of “Sonnet 43”: “I love thee with alove I seemed to lose / With my lost saints. . .” A person who was very devout andvalued religion over love would be

a. the same as the speaker in “Sonnet 43”.
b. the opposite of the speaker in “Sonnet 43”.c. apologizing to the speaker in “Sonnet 43”.d. dreaming about the speaker in Sonnet 43”.

The theme of “Sonnet 43” concerns the

a. promise of life after death.
b. obsessive quality of romantic love. c. difficulty of describing romantic love. d. transcendent value of romantic love.

Unit 3 Evaluation

ENGH 044

_ 35.

_ 36.

_ 37.

_ 38.

_ 39.

_ 40.

_ 41.

What does the speaker in “Porphyria’s Lover” say keeps Porphyria from loving himforever?

a. anotherman
b. pride and vanity c. her young age d. his bad habits

In Hard Times, what is the basis of Thomas Gradgrind’s teaching?

a. Teach nothing but facts.
b. Encourage creativity.
c. Emphasize math and science.
d. Challenge students’ imaginations.

What does Mr. M’Choakumchild’s name suggest about his teaching style?

a. He is a patient and gentle teacher.
b. He forces students to learn one way or another.
c. He wants to make sure that children learn facts.
d. He recognizes that students learn in different ways.

Determine Dickens’s purpose in describing Mr. M’Choakumchild in this line: “He andsome one hundred and forty other schoolmasters had been lately turned at the sametime, in the same factory, on the same principles, like so many pianoforte legs.”

a. informing readers that a large number of musicians recently became teachers b. informing readers that many teachers were getting a thorough education
c. informing readers that teachers were all educated in exactly the same way
d. informing readers that teachers used imaginative techniques to reach students

What is Dickens’s object of social criticism in the excerpt from Hard Times that you read?

a. society’s lack of emphasis on education
b. the lack of trained teachers and properly equipped classrooms c. the indifference of teachers to their students’ needs
d. a system of education that treats children like machines

Gradgrind shows his disrespect for children and their thoughts in all of the following ways except

a. when he calls Sissy “girl number twenty.”
b. when he embarrasses them in front of the class. c. when he interrupts them while they are speaking. d. when he beats them for saying the wrong answer.

What is the purpose of didacticism in Victorian writing?

a. It allowed Victorian writers to better explore Romanticism.
b. The Victorians used it to teach or educate readers.
c. Didacticism allowed Victorians to incorporate poetic elements in their novels. d. It was used to raise support for the government and queen.

Unit 3 Evaluation ENGH 044

_ 42.

_ 43.

Utilitarianism, seen in Dickens’ Hard Times, emerged during the

a. BoerWar.
b. French Revolution. c. Industrial Revolution. d. SevenYearsWar.

Read the following quote from Hard Times and determine what it suggests abouteducation in Victorian England: “The scene was a plain, bare, monotonous vault of aschool-room,…swept with their eyes the inclined plane of little vessels then and therearranged in order, ready to have imperial gallons of facts poured into them until theywere full to the brim.”

a. Victorians did not allow artwork in schools.
b. Education reflected the growing influence of factories. c. Children received all of their education in factories.
d. Factory owners managed Victorian era schools.

In the excerpt from Hard Times, what is Bitzer asked to define for Sissy Jupe?

a. a flower b. a horse c. a tree d. acat

Dickens uses didacticism in Hard Times to

a. emphasize the need for women’s education.
b. call for an end to slavery.
c. express concerns over the mechanization of education. d. highlight the unsafe conditions in factories.

Determine the meaning of the following lines from “Dover Beach”: “With tremulouscadence slow, and bring / The eternal note of sadness in.”

a. A band on the beach begins to play a sad song.
b. He is skipping stones on the water at Dover Beach.
c. The waves reflect his isolation and human misery.
d. The persona is expressing concerns about industrialization.

In “Dover Beach” Arnold uses the sea to represent faith, which he perceives

a. to be peaceful.
b. to be left alone.
c. to be withdrawing from the world. d. to be constant in the world.

What is the speaker’s view of the world in “Dover Beach”?

a. The world is a calm, forgiving, and beautiful home.
b. The world is a place of sadness, misery, and violence.
c. The world is a place of peace and calm for those who seek it. d. The world is always changing, and people should accept it.

_ 44.

_ 45.

_ 46.

_ 47.

_ 48.

Unit 3 Evaluation

ENGH 044

_ 49.

_ 50.

From the details in “Dover Beach,” what conclusion can you draw about the speaker’s attitude about the “Sea of Faith”?

a. He believes that people’s faith in God ebbs and flows like the ocean.b. The speaker believes faith will return daily, as if with the tide.
c. The speaker believes that faith is like a mighty ocean.
d. The speaker believes that people no longer have faith.

What emotional words does Arnold use in the passage about the “Sea of Faith” to create mood?

a. sea of faith, full, night
b. melancholy, withdrawing, retreating
c. earth’s shore, night wind, naked shinglesd. lay, hear, down

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