We can work on Cell Phones

In 2015 college students at a large state university completed a survey about their academic and personal life. Questions ranged from “How many credits are you registered for this semester?” to “Would you define yourself as a vegetarian?”

The researcher randomly selected 325 students from the university; 312 responded to the survey.

The cell-phone datafile is available in the Data section below.

Once again, here is the research question for this lab.

Based on a recent study, roughly 80% of college students in the U.S. own a smartphone. Is the proportion of smartphone owners lower at this university?

Respond to each of the following in your initial post.

State your hypotheses in symbolic form and in words. (The following should be clear in your answer: the population of interest and the meaning of the proportion p in terms of the variable Cell.)
StatCrunch uses a normal model to estimate the P-value probability. Verify that normality conditions are met.

  1. Give your P-value and interpret its meaning as a conditional probability.

4.State a conclusion that answers the research question. Use a significance level of 5%. (Your answer should include the P-value and reference the population and the variable Cell.)

  1. Use StatCrunch to conduct the hypothesis test.
    Copy and paste the results (the StatCrunch output window) into your initial post.

Sample Solution

of single thing vocabularies, yet they don’t have a clue how to join them appropriately in talking. Also, the centrality of this examination lies in its endeavor to find another method for instructor’s reaction to student’s talking, which can assist with improving L2 students’ precision. The discoveries may add to the improvement of the strategies of instructing collocations. There is no understanding among the supporters on which sorts of criticism are progressively successful. Along these lines, a profound report into less examined types of oral criticism can bring consequences of an incredible useful worth. Thusly, a few elements can be referenced with respect to the centrality of the present investigation. Initially, collocations as deciding variables, which show the degree of dominance of students in talking capacity, have been constantly vital to students and educators. Second, the examinations that have considered subjective contrasts as intervening components in the notification capacity of input are very few (Lyster, 2003; Spada, 2006).However, the proof they give is captivating. Along these lines, more examinations regarding the matter are expected to test the unpredictable connection among learning and individual contrasts. One of the most significant objectives of learning a second/unknown dialect is building up the capacity to talk. Chastain (1998) gives the most noteworthy significance to talking competency among the four fundamental capabilities in an unknown dialect to be aced. As he guarantees, a great degree of capability in talking can ensure the development in other degree of capability, for example, perusing, composing, and tuning in. He keeps up that talking can assume two primary jobs; upgrading the holding and initiating the present capability level of EFL students. Unfortunately, because of absence of information on certain instructors in utilizing the right input, a few students lose their self-assurance in talking or in any event, learning a language. Thus, giving a lot of consideration to the sort of mistake made by students and picking the right input is basic in a language study hall. The current examination targets researching the job of verifiable and express restorative feed>

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