I’m working on a social science presentation and need an explanation to help me learn.
- Your general summary of what the reading says. Don’t rehearse its every detail but instead risk summarizing what you think is its overall meaning and why the author sees it as important. Before you say what you think about it (#2 below), first show you know what the author is trying to say and why. This should include one very clear sentence that states your version of the author(s)’ thesis or theses (or “main idea”); and this is to be set within a paragraph or two of your general summary and review of key points. Put that sentence on a slide (from the slideshow above) along with a picture that might illustrate the day’s meaning. This challenging task of summary is often avoided by students simply restating every single point. Even though you are summarizing the author’s point, this is not an objective or “neutral” task: you are making a decision, using your own analysis, to conceptualize the whole assignment, using your own words, thoughts, and summary. This counts for 40% of this small grade. Take about 2-3 minutes for this.
- Your response and/or critique of the reading. This is not the same thing as the first point. Rather, in the first you should have charitably stated what you think the author was trying to say, apart from your opinion about it. And in this second point, now that you have proven that you understand the overall thesis, you should now say what you think about it. This can include stating problems or contradictions, affirmations, qualifications, and ways in which the ideas do or do not translate to our current situation. That last point on relating the topic to our current context is required in your own critical analysis. This counts for 40% of this grade. Take about two minutes for this.
- Conclude with at least two specific questions, which can be put at the bottom of your second slide. These should spark some conversation or ask for clarification that couldn’t have been attained by a mere quick web search. This counts for 20% of this grade. Some questions are better than others; dull questions will get a dull grade. Think “incisive” questions about implications and interpretation, not just clarifications of historical data. Take just one minute for these
- I dont have the book but i attached two articles that talks about it
- its should be power poin
I think with 8 to 10 slides you should be cover each párt. Please include a strong paragraph for each slides.
I have to talk for at least two minutes for part one – and two minutes for part two and one minutes for part one