We can work on Cash flow statement

The comparative cash flow statements from Sears and Wal-Mart are presented above. Amounts presented are in millions. Review both statements considering what you’ve learned in this chapter about the cash flow statement.

Answer the following questions:

When analyzing a company’s cash flow statement, which section of the statement (operating, investing or financing) do you believe is the best predictor of a company’s future profitability? Why?
Which company do you believe is healthier based on the cash flow statements presented? Provide at least two specific examples from the statements.
Your initial post is due four (4) days prior to the discussion due date or points will be deducted from your discussion score.

Source: Wendy Tietz, PhD, CPA, CMA, AccountingintheHeadlines.com This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.

Sample Solution

Alzheimer’s Disease Guides1orSubmit my paper for examination outline of Alzheimer’s DiseaseAlthough humankind has incredibly progressed in the matter of treating different illnesses, there still are medical issues that neither medication nor science has had the option to fathom. Malignant growth, HIV, Ebola, and other significant sicknesses slaughter a huge number of individuals consistently. Nonetheless, there are disarranges that impact the human body, yet in addition curve and misshape the manner in which the human psyche works. Among such maladies, one of the frequently analyzed issues is Alzheimer’s infection. It is difficult to fix, yet conceivable to forestall; consequently, individuals all things considered and callings ought to know about this issue, and the manners in which one can maintain a strategic distance from it—particularly considering the quantity of confusions encompassing this infection. Alzheimer’s infection for the most part implies memory misfortune and the lessening of scholarly abilities in a degree that meddles with the every day life of a patient. Not at all like numerous individuals will in general believe, Alzheimer’s infection is anything but an ordinary piece of maturing, in spite of the fact that most of individuals experiencing it are over 65 years of age; notwithstanding, there are situations when individuals in their 50s or even 40s as of now show a portion of the manifestations. In its beginning times, patients endure a gentle loss of memory, however at later stages, they lose their capacity to carry on discussions and to react to their condition. All things considered, it takes from eight to twenty years for the side effects to get perceptible, contingent upon the patient’s age and other wellbeing conditions (Alz.org). The advancement of Alzheimer’s sickness is a continuous demise of synapses. The paces of degeneration are huge—the cerebrum size of a patient with Alzheimer’s therapists as the tissue continuously loses nerve cells and associations. Post-mortems of Alzheimer’s patients show considerations in the nerve tissue, called plaques and tangles. Plaques are found between the withering cells in the cerebrum, and tangles are inside the mind neurons, shaping because of breaking down of the tau-protein (MNT). As years pass, the sizes of synapses kicking the bucket develop, and it begins influencing patient’s lives straightforwardly. Side effects of Alzheimer’s ailment incorporate losing things (normally littler ones, for example, keys); disregarding ongoing occasions, discussions, or individuals whom a patient has addressed; a powerlessness to locate the correct words during a discussion; overlooking significant dates, for example, commemorations; out of nowhere losing all sense of direction in a commonplace spot. Different manifestations incorporate the interruption of reasoning, thinking, and observation. Specifically, a patient may begin to lose the purpose of a discussion or rehash themselves; they can barely make sense of the separation among themselves and different articles or individuals; they can’t concentrate on what they do, just as they can’t perform successive assignments, for example, cooking or sewing (Alzheimer’s Society). This makes the life of an individual with Alzheimer’s considerably more troublesome. Despite the fact that there is no remedy for Alzheimer’s malady, examines show that physical exercise (or physical action, when all is said in done) may assume a job in decreasing the danger of Alzheimer’s infection. Likewise, various examinations recommend that eating certain nourishments can help an individual keep their mind more advantageous, in this manner forestalling the advancement of Alzheimer’s infection. Specifically, such a preventive eating regimen ought to incorporate heaps of organic products, vegetables, and entire grains; it ought to be low in fat and included sugar. Specifically, individuals who eat a “Mediterranean eating regimen” are accounted for to have had a 28 percent lower danger of building up a mellow subjective hindrance, and a 48 percent lower danger of advancing from this weakness to Alzheimer’s sickness. This proposes appropriate sustenance can help forestall the improvement of Alzheimer’s infection. References “Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia.” Alzheimer’s Association. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 June 2015. “Alzheimer’s Disease: Causes, Symptoms and Treatments.” Medical News Today. MediLexicon International, 17 June 2015. Web. 24 June 2015.>

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