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Assignment Workload: 

·  This Assignment comprises of a Case Study.

·  The assignment is to be submitted by each student individually.

Assignment Purposes/Learning Outcomes: 

After completion of Assignment-3students will able to understand the 

LO 2.1. Defend their rationale for decisions related to acceptable and unacceptable business conduct based on the business ethics principles.

LO 4.5. The capacity to write a coherent project about a case study or actual research about ethics.


·  Read the case article Ethical dilemma of who survives self-driving car accident”  Publication info: The New Zealand Herald; Auckland, New Zealand [Auckland, New Zealand]03 Jan 2019: B.3. available in SDL and answer the following questions:

Critical Thinking Question(s):  (Marks 5)

  1. Analyze the philosophical approach (3 prescriptive approaches) the author speaks about considering the examples mentioned in the article. (3 Marks)
  2. Evaluate one of the Philosophical approaches and describe why you have (or would) use this approach to guide your decision making. (2 Marks)





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