We can work on Case Study – Adapted Instructional Program And Task Analysis

Based on a case study, candidate will create a thorough and individually appropriate task analysis and adapted instructional program to meet the needs of a student on your caseload and completed in collaboration with a general education teacher.  The case study will include background and assessment information regarding the student who is selected.  The student will be in your classroom and also an English learner.  The adapted instructional program will include a task that has been identified by the IEP/ITP as a critical skill to learn.  Consider factors such as enhancing communication, social skills, and academic knowledge in natural settings.  Include in your report the reasons this lesson/skill was selected and why it is a priority/critical skill.

The instructional program should cover functional core content and should include: Common Core Standards alignment (including ELD standards), behavioral objectives, instructional context, instructional materials, co-teaching approach (see pp. 202-217 of Villa), instructional procedure (attentional cue, task direction, prompting strategy, consequences), non-targeted information, data collection, maintenance, generalization, behavior management, English Learner strategies, lesson variations and extensions. Include your student data in an appropriate data sheet or graph.  The accompanying co-teaching lesson plan should be modeled after the template in pp. 202-217 of Villa. Base your instructional program, co-teaching lesson plan, and data sheets from samples of each chapter of the Collins text, pp. 202-217 of Villa, and appendices of both texts.  Rubric follows:


Background / Assessment Information: 5

Functional Core Content (Common Core Alignment): 10

Behavioral Objective: 5

Instructional Context: 5

Instructional Materials: 5

Co-Teaching Approach: 20  Use Villa Co-Teaching Lesson Format, pp. 202-217.

Instructional Procedure: 10  (attentional cue, task direction, prompting strategy, consequences)

Nontargeted Information: 5

Data Collection: 10

Maintenance: 5

Generalization: 5

Behavior Management: 5

English Learner Strategies: 5

Lesson Variations and Extensions: 5

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