We can work on Business WRITING

List 4-6 Core Values and write 1-3 sentences as to why that value is important
Craft a statement of Purpose
Determine your Mission for the next 5-10 years
Complete the majority of the boxes in the SWOT analysis
Complete all 8 Action plans with detailed action items relative to your strategy. These action plans should include all aspects of your life: work, personal, financial, philanthropic, etc. The first item on the action plan should be your objective (Become a CPA or CFA, for example.) The remaining 6 items under the plan show intermediate steps related to this objective (graduate from college, take any additional courses to be certified, take a preparatory course for the exam, for example.) Another action item could be: contribute to the community in meaningful ways. The items beneath this objective could be: volunteer 3 hours per week as a Kendall- Whittier reading partner; save $10 per week to donate to a charity; seek financial security to be able to endow a scholarship or give a substantial donation to a not-for-profit.
Describe how you will hold yourself accountable for each of the objectives of your 8 action items? This includes measuring your progress towards your objective.
Describe how you will reward yourself for accomplishing each of the objectives of your 8 action items

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