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Answer 7 question. Be detail. Each question write one paragraph at least.

1. What can be learned about a job candidate from analyzing a job application that cannot be learned from the candidate’s resume? Be specific with your response.

2. What are six methods of assessing sales training needs? Can each of these methods be used in either a proactive or reactive approach to determining training needs?

3. Explain why the following views of leadership are relevant for sales organizations: transactional leadership and transformational leadership.

4. Describe five types of power that affect leadership. What are the problems associated with over reliance on reward and coercive power?

6. Two ethical issues associated with the hiring process are: how the job is represented to a potential candidate, and how the interviews are conducted.

a. List a minimum of two examples of how the job can be misrepresented.

b. Describe the four basic rules managers need to follow to avoid legal issues when conducting


7. Describe a minimum of two of the four methods managers can select to ensure training of the new sales person fits the situation. Provide examples.

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