We can work on Business letter

Your assignment for this week is to read the course syllabus and write a letter, in business letter format, to a
In this letter, you’ll discuss what you noticed about the syllabus. You might consider the layout, the look of it on
the page, the content, the writing style, and the assignments as part of your reflection. Talk about what you
noticed in your letter, and then share something that surprised you, something you thought seemed interesting,
or at least do-able, and something that gave you some concern.
You will be able to do this task really well if you read the readings first! The letter should be at least one page,
including the space needed to follow proper business letter format. It’s worth 25 points — 5 for business letter
format (which you’ll see on the reading samples), 10 for how deeply you analyzed the syllabus, and 10 for your
writing voice/style are clear, concise, and interesting to read.
Write your letter in Word using the business letter format; you can find this in our class texts and also a sample
of one on the back of this page. You will do TWO THINGS with it. First, use this portal to turn it into me for a
grade. Then post it as an attachment in the week 2 peer review discussion!

Sample Solution

Lovely Structure in Ozymandias There are significant contrasts between the numerous societies that make up the number of inhabitants on the planet, however certain significant highlights of positive or negative are communicated in each human advancement, paying little mind to time or spot. The negative attribute of reiteration in world history is human want for power. In the Soonet ‘Ozymandias’, the intensity of human battling, and the presumption of numerous individuals Percy Bysshe Shelley shows an extremely little clarification of the remaining parts of the sculpture. There is a distinction between how data is passed on and this present reality’s ethical comprehension. Shelley’s Ozymandias rendition is a unique word game with potential philosophical data that force and status are practically transitory and the main workmanship can make it perpetual. Be that as it may, Diodorus recounts to the narrative of Ozymandias and his sculptures in a manner to record his realities. In Aristotle’s verse, you can see that the idea of history is just a mode of “inventoriing our past” Poetry is a more philosophical method of information. What is the reality behind Shelley’s verse? As indicated by the Greek history specialist Diodorus Siculus, Ozymandias is obviously a wonderful and idyllic name guaranteed by Egyptian Pharaoh Ramses II. Diodorus Siculus saw the picture of a lord of 90 feet high cut by an artist Ménon in the first century BC. At the point when it is as yet remaining in the sanctuary of Ramesseum of Thebes. Sherry and his companion Horatio Smith read the clarification of the messed up sculpture in Richard Poco’s “Direction” (1742). Smith and Sherry composed Sonnets to communicate their creative mind of the trash. Furthermore, in 1818 Lee Hunt imprinted on his diary “Inspector”. This is Smith’s exertion, and understudies may contrast it and Sherry: Zachary Sng talked about the sonnet in detail in his article “The Lyric Theme Composition of Shelley’s Ozymandias”. “A striking and corner to corner way to deal with illuminating the space that makes up the subject of the writer, Sheilai’s Ozymandias is a likelihood to settle the quintessence of verses, the language of Ozymandias falls flat, frequently read from a restricted perspective It is bound to the record of the story and is remembered for the training outline, yet it really shows up as a logical shaft from the principal expression of the sonnet, and it shows up as an organization of a snapshot of verse instead of an indication The manageability of the presence, the material condition of its creation has been missing for quite a while and has become a wellspring of incongruity.>

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