We can work on Business Analysis

Level 1

Does your company employ business analysts? Yes

How would you rate your BA practice informal to formal? Strong-5

Is your company aware of the role of BAs? Yes. Samsung understands that business analysts are crucial to analyzing processes and delivering of recommendations to stakeholders and executives

Please rate your success rate of your organization’s overall projects? Strong 5

How do you rate your customer relation management? Strong-5

Level 2: 

Are customers involved throughout the project, if so, do you measure customer satisfaction? Yes. Customer satisfaction is measured using follow up calls, email marketing, or surveys done using social media.

Are BA processes or templates standardized and shared? No

Do you have a standard process for establishing customer requirements? Yes. The requirements are acquired using feedback from the customer

Such as that gained from online interactions using various platforms such as social media.

Do you have a BACoE framework in place? No

Does any training program exist for all BAs? Yes

Level 3

Any existing management processes for your organization? Yes

Does your organization offer training in business alignment? Yes

Does your organization have defined standards for enterprise analysis, solution assessment and validation? Yes

Does your company establish key performance indicators? Yes. Samsung established four key performance indicators such as waste management, GHG emissions, EHS management systems, and water resources

Does your company use a balanced scorecard? Yes

Level 4: 

Are BAs from your organization involved in innovation, strategic initiatives, and/or customer satisfaction management? Yes

Does your organization centralize management of innovation and R&D? Yes

Does your organization have a strategic plan in place? Yes. Is it revised periodically? Yes

What software does your organization’s leadership use to manage its work? Knox

How does you company manage its customer relationship? By developing products based on customer’s feedback, the modern take, and the traditional approach.

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