We can work on Business

Click the links below and watch the 2 short videos on customer success stories to learn/understand how 2 companies successfully implemented/leveraged business analytics to improve their firm performance. Write a 1 2-page report by answering the following questions:

Company A
What is the name of the company and which industry?
What are the business challenges faced/discussed in the video?
What approach did the company use to resolve the challenges?
What are the results/benefits achieved by using business analytics or big data technologies?
What is the business or big data analytics used to achieve the results (e.g. Tibco)?
Company B answer same (5) questions described above.
Compare and contrast company A to company B based on:
Challenges encountered
The results

https://www.teradata.com/Resources/Customer-Videos/Connecting-Commerce-for-Buyers-and-Sellers-Creating-Economic-Opportunity-for-All (Links to an external site.)


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