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Question Description

Now it’s time to pull everything together and create your final business plan. Make sure to review all the feedback you received for Assignments 1, 2, and 3, and make the necessary corrections. Then copy and paste it all into one document, and add an executive summary and an exit strategy. The executive summary is a snapshot of your business plan as a whole and should touch on your company profile and goals. Additionally, the most successful exits in business require considerable planning. You will need to discuss two key factors to consider when planning your exit strategy.

Write a five (5) page paper in which you:

  1. Write a one page executive summary that includes your company profile and goals.
  2. Revise and insert the business models section you developed for Assignment 1.
  3. Revise and insert the target market section you developed for Assignment 2.
  4. Revise and insert the startup funds section you developed for Assignment 3.
  5. Write a one page exit strategy where you discuss two key factors you would consider when planning an exit strategy. Provide explanation to support your reasoning.
  6. Typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.
  7. Attached is the first 3 assignments to put this all together. So you are only doing 2 pages as mentioned above.

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