We can work on Brite Divinity School Fate of Black Kids in Low Income Areas Annotated Bibliography – Assignment Help

I’m working on a social science discussion question and need an explanation to help me learn.

The Theme is to write a research paper on the topic: Growing up in low-income or section 8 areas effects on on the chances of young black kids to be successful and to be effective in making decision

So, what I want you to do is this, ” Select 3 scholarly journal articles in your area of interest to summarize in a minimum of 350 words: 100 words for each article; 25 words for the Introduction; 25 words for the Concluding Statement.

Please provide brief summaries of three separate scholarly articles related to your area of interest.

Your Thesis Statement should capture the essence of your research topic. Begin by formulating a researchable question or questions that you develop into a statement (yet to be supported by your review of literature). The discussion will be a forum for you to clarify the thesis statement that you are choosing to argue for.”

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