We can work on Boston University Stock Story Make it Plain Paper – Assignment Help

I need support with this Social Science question so I can learn better.

During the course of the semester, we will be talking about “dominant narratives” or “stock stories” as well as “concealed” and “resistance or transforming” stories. Dominant narratives or stock stories are popular and common myths or stories that most of us learn from family, friends, schools, TV and movies, monuments in our environment, museums, and music and art. These stories teach us profound and often misleading ideas about ourselves and each other. “Work hard and you will succeed” is a common story we hear, as is “Columbus discovered America.” We will spend the semester learning more about these stories. First, let’s examine how we learn these stories and how they are reinforced.This week, for your DB post, please find a news story, TV clip, film, online media post, or monument in your city that expresses or portrays ideas or images about race or racism. Provide a live link to your example and describe what it is and how it describes or conveys an idea or viewpoint about race or racism. Use the list of media sources listed in Assignment 2 for ideas about where to find material.

I need a live link as stated above and explanation in apa format about 3 paragraphs

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