We can work on Blaise Pascal’s Wager Existence of God

    The questions about the existence of God has been an ongoing discussion since people were first able to think logically. The topic of Gods existence is a very important and interesting discussion to have with a class or with anyone really. It is interesting because there really isnt a solid one answer. There are argument presented by different philosophers or critics that also raise new questions and more never ending discussions. To search for solutions to these never ending questions some people argue by using scientific methods, faith, the injustices of the world, etc. Some might even say that the topic is not worth the arguments and that we should just believe to avoid the risks of being punished.
    French philosopher-scientist Blaise Pascal states that not believing in Gods existence could be risky. His argument is called Pascals Wager because of the risk or bet he places on whether one should believe or not.

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