We can work on Biology 156 Exam 3 (Introductory Biology for Allied Health)

Exam 3 on Tissues, Organ Systems, and Homeostasis, Systems Overview I, Systems Overview II, Systems Overview III, Systems Overview IVDescribe the various levels of animal organization (cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems).Describe the characteristics of the various types of tissues. Describe the type of cells that make up each tissue type.Cite examples of organs in the body that contain each tissue type.Explain how the human body maintains a constant internal environment, even though the external environment may change.Describe the basic structure of each of the following systems: • Integumentary System •Urinary System •Digestive SystemExplain, using appropriate new vocabulary, the function of each part of each system.Describe how each part of the system contributes to the functioning of the whole.Explain at least one real-world problem or health issue associated with each system.Describe the structure of various parts of each system: •The Blood and Circulatory System •Respiratory System •Immune SystemExplain, using new vocabulary, the function of each part.Describe how each part of the system contributes to the functioning of the whole.Explain at least one real-world problem or health issue associated with each system.Describe the structure of various parts of each system: • Endocrine System • Reproductive SystemsExplain, using new vocabulary, the function of each part of the system.Describe how each part of the system contributes to the functioning of the whole.Explain at least one real-world problem or health issue associated with each system.Describe the basic structure of each of the following systems: • Nervous System • Skeletal System • Muscular SystemExplain, using appropriate new vocabulary, the function of each part of each system.Describe how each part of the system contributes to the functioning of the whole.Explain at least one real-world problem or health issue associated with each system.Important information: Exam 3 covers all the material from Lessons 12 -16. The exam is timed and password protected. The password will be provided to you once you complete the Acknowledgement of Exam Policies and Procedures. The exam consists of 90 questions and one essay question and is broken into three sections. Parts 1 and 2 each contain 45 multiple choice questions and Part 3 contains one essay question. You will have 60 minutes to complete Part 1 and Part 2 (30 minutes for Part 1 and 30 minutes for Part 2) and 20 minutes to complete the essay response in Part 3. There is a timer in the upper right hand corner of the exam to help you keep track of your progress.Please make sure you have answered all questions in Part 1 prior to clicking on the submit button. Once a part has been submitted, you will not be able to return to that section. Immediately following submission of Part 1, return to the Lesson Preview Page for the link to access Part 2 of the exam. Immediately following submission of Part 2, return to the Lesson Preview Page for the link to access Part 3 of the exam.All parts of the online exam MUST be completed in one continuous sitting (without any breaks between parts). For example, students are not permitted to complete Part 1 of the exam on Monday, and then return to the assignment and complete Part 2 of the exam on Friday or to complete Part 1 at 1:00 PM and wait to start Part 2 at 3:00 PM. Any student found completing the online exams in multiple sittings without department approval, will lose credit.Any student found completing the online exams in multiple sittings without department approval, will lose credit.On Exam 3, you will be presented with an essay question. The general topic of the essay for this exam is human tissues. You do not know the specific, narrowed topic so do not spend time trying to write the essay beforehand. Instead, spend your time preparing for an essay question related to the broader topic.An important component in writing the essay is the organization of the essay. It is important that essays are well organized and stay focused on the question posed. Construct your essay in a word processing program. Begin with an introductory opening paragraph. After the opening paragraph, address each part of the essay question in separate paragraphs. Finally, write a closing, application paragraph. The application paragraph is the area of your essay where you demonstrate your skill at applying scientific knowledge to your personal or professional life. This paragraph must reveal insight into the specific scientific principles studied and give a detailed description of how the content is relevant. Please note: You may only use the time allotted in the exam to compose your essay.Essay grading is based on this scoring rubric PDF.

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