We can work on Benchmark – Treatment Plan Completion and Essay (Obj. 5.2 and 5.4)

Complete your treatment plan template for Eliza based on the previous assignments findings and any feedback received from your instructor. Additionally, write and submit a 700-1,050-word essay that includes the following:
1.The treatment theory you would use and why.
2.A description of how you would address any mental health, medical, legal, and substance use issues that the client exhibits in the case study through the lens of your counseling theory of choice.
3.Include at least three scholarly sources in your paper.
Submit the paper and the treatment plan to your instructor.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Sample Solution

Since 2010 there has been a large number of issues that have emerged which shows the amount of the New Poor Law’s (1834) philosophies and convictions have impacted the present social approach. One can judge by taking a gander at profundity into the present welfare changes what number of ‘Victorian qualities’ have been done today from the new poor law’s impact and how the points and way to deal with lessening the issue, despite the fact that being executed marginally in an unexpected way, when separated are adopting a similar strategy that the poor law did. With regards to the poor law, the issue was the means by which to lessen the mass of evident or self-proclaimed neediness to the no-nonsense of the real thing. This was finished by methods for obstacle impact of the workhouse test and the standard of ‘less-qualification’ (the state of the homeless person must be less appealing that that of the least fortunate individual outside this classification). There were numerous differences around what ought to be finished with the in-your-face of the certifiable poor, regardless of whether they ought to be treated as heartbreaking natives or as social untouchables. No unmistakable answer was settled upon and in the dirt of this irritation of mind lay the seeds of the principal incredible social changes of the twentieth century (Marshall, 1989). Following this was the move from the having the right to the undeserving poor implying that the expense of welfare rose. Other Victorian Values incorporate; a constrained job from express, the possibility that destitution was the flaw of the individual, and that foundations are there to help poor people. The Victorian Values are reverberated in 1979 and again in 2010 when one sees the moderate liberal democrats alliance government and the development to an exclusively preservationist government. Before evaluating the impacts of the new poor law on social approach today, one needs to take a gander at the state’s work day from Market Liberal to Social Democrat and comprehend the impacts. Market Liberal and Social Democrat vary in not only one manner; Market liberal trust that the state should assume a constrained job in individuals’ lives yet additionally have faith in a low assessment economy, so individuals show signs of improvement esteem for cash from open administrations. They trust that advantages should focus on the most in need, they are shopper and partner driven. Social Democrats trust that the state ought to redistribute riches by means of higher tax collection, that everybody ought to have a decent amount, and they approach it with a “one size fits all” belief system. There are two central point that clarify the present flood of social welfare changes and cuts, the first being the money related emergency of 2008 and the second being connected to the 2010 decisions. The Financial Crisis of 2008 was brought about by the falling of the “sub-prime” contract showcase in the U.S. This made different banks leave business and the world was dove into a subsidence (Elliot, 2011). The Elections in 2010 delivered a “hung parliament” which means the development of an alliance administration of moderates and Liberal Democrats was driven by David Cameron and Nick Clegg, two previous government funded school understudies (BBC News: Elections, 2010). The monetary emergency prompted an arrangement of severity meaning enormous cuts for open administrations. As the world was in a time of subsidence the dimensions of state reliance and destitution rose. These impacts on the move from Market Liberal to Social Democrat demonstrate that gradually the state is hovering back to the thoughts of Victorian Values, in this way we have to realize what’s affecting the change back to that point of view. Get help with your article today, from our expert paper essayists! Qualified journalists in the subject of social arrangement are prepared and hanging tight to assist you with your examinations. Get help with your paper View expertly composed examples One connotation legislator that had a huge influence in the welfare change sanctioned by the Parliament of the United Kingdom in March 2012 is Iain Duncan Smith. Iain Duncan Smith, past pioneer of the preservationist party was named secretary of the Department of Work and Pension to which he made the new welfare change; Universal credit. Iain Duncan Smith contended that the reason progressive governments overlooked the prerequisite for a principal welfare change, as they thought it was too hard to even think about achieving further thinking that they “looked as financial development skirted poor people and welfare reliance flourished in networks all through the nation in this way prompting intergenerational destitution”. He keeps on argueing that the Government has spent substantial wholes of cash, yet the poor have turned out to be more unfortunate and thriving is more diligently to reach. The key purpose behind Iain Duncan Smith’s rebuild of the welfare framework was because of the welfare bill winding up unsustainably costly and the genuine cost of disappointment being paid by the least fortunate and the most defenseless themselves, more than five million individuals are accepting out of work benefits in the UK and 1.4 million of them have been guaranteeing for more than nine years. His point was to make a change that handles the fundamental issue of welfare reliance by setting out on the most broad program of progress that the welfare framework has found in ages (Department For Work and Pension, 2010). From this Iain Duncan Smith presented Universal Credit. Advertised as “welfare that works”, it expects to influence petitioners to acknowledge they are in an ideal situation in work hence decreasing welfare reliance urging them to acquire cash and not live off the little to which they get through Universal Credit. One can see the changes that are being presented by Iain Duncan Smith mirrors the key estimations of the New Poor Law by taking a gander at how the two of them put work at the inside, with the intend to decrease welfare reliance. One can likewise observe that Victorian Values are being reverberated through Iain Duncan Smith’s change, which turned out to be clear amid his discourse to which he suggested that people direct their very own lives in this manner are in charge of their own destitution, hovering back to the Victorian Value of the meriting poor which is fundamentally the same as the Poor Law (Reform, 2015). While Iain Duncan Smith expected to acquire these welfare changes, the legislature can’t actualize any changed without an agreement which results in the open supporting its perspectives. Much like in 1834 when the New Poor Law was presented, the general visibility’s have cycled once more from review the poor as undeserving back to the meriting. It could be contended this is fundamentally down to the measure of media that is around which explores the lives of petitioners. These kind of media are most generally known as ‘destitution pornography’ as they give individuals in white collar class and average workers a feeling of accomplishment investigating the lives of individuals who are dependant on the state. The poor inside the media are reflected to be the reason for their condition, with TV programs concentrating on the more costly things inside the inquirer’s home enabling the crowd to accept that the reason of the petitioners condition is because of their individual apathy, absence of capacity to spare and regarding pay as though it was expendable on unlawful substances, liquor and cigarettes as opposed to accurately spending it. This was likewise suggested by Iain Duncan Smith in his discourse to which he referenced that expanding the measure of cash inquirers get would just motivation them to spend more cash on those things, legitimately demonstrating his impact from the Victorian qualities as he trusts the poor are in charge of their own destitution. Shows, for example, “Advantage Street”, “Advantages: Too Fat to Work” and “Advantages Britain: Life on The Dole” investigate the ‘truth’ – or what the media needs the group of onlookers to accept is the truth – of living on advantages. The projects enable the group of onlookers to see the living states of petitioners more often than not depicting them in a negative manner by ensuring film incorporates inquirers with cigarettes, film of refuse and guys as a rule enjoying liquor (Patrick, 2017). The entire depiction of individuals on these demonstrates reverberation’s the exemplary generalization of what destitution is seen as in Britain and reverberation’s hugely the Victorian qualities which Iain Duncan Smith is conveying back of petitioners being to blame for their neediness. Get help with your article today, from our expert paper journalists! Qualified journalists in the subject of social strategy are prepared and holding on to assist you with your investigations. Get help with your paper View expertly composed examples As referenced over, a key part of Victorian Values that is by all accounts hovering once again into the present social arrangement is the issue of meriting and the undeserving poor. The belief system of the meriting and the undeserving poor expressed that a few people was meriting their condition and others weren’t. England moved from having the right to undeserving poor back when the Poor Law was transformed and is by all accounts presently moving back to the point of view of individuals being meriting their condition. Individuals would see the meriting as the individuals who have bigger families, and consider individuals to be too sluggish to even think about working, while the undeserving are those with physical incapacities preventing them from finding a new line of work, the older and the rationally sick. The points of view of individuals being meriting their neediness is by all accounts how current Britain is taking a gander at inquirers in present day Britain, accordingly inferring that the poor law and its qualities are impacting todays social arrangement. Since Universal Credit was presented there has been a huge ascent in the measure of individuals visiting nourishment banks. This is because of the constrained job in which the state is playing, and they are leaving those in destitution to contact foundations for help or anticipate assistance from philanthropies, The Poor Law had a comparative methodology, in the season of the New Poor Law the state would assume a restricted job in individuals lives, choosing a progressively pessimistic opportunity way to deal with which, plainly, current Britain is hovering back to appearing clear association the recognition molding back to how individuals used to see the poor, thinking back to the nineteenth century. The estimations of the Poor>

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