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The Art of Inclusion, Making the invisible visible: Making inclusion an integral activity in Broadway Theatre


I will be investigating the intersectionality of employment decisions, policies, and practices within the Broadway community in an effort to mitigate implicit and visible racism and white supremacy on Broadway.

Background: Racism and other forms of exclusionary behavior are a pervasive phenomenon that negatively impacts Broadway and the people who create and sustain it. Currently one of the foremost policies and/or practices is to “make everyone appear the same” (e.g., colorblind casting) where particularly race is not seen, where it is, invisible. The colorblind policy has consequences that can actually obstruct moving toward inclusiveness. When people focus on not seeing color, they may also fail to see discrimination. This results in a widespread lack of seeking out those who are different from themselves and valuing their differences. As long as racism remains invisible, it will be almost impossible to generate the necessary politics of inclusion.

Go direct to literature review. I do not need an intro. nor conclusion. You are supposed to also use your on found sources (2017-2021). (Use 17 sources)

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