We can work on Basic scientific concepts behind the modernist temperamentA

Discuss the two basic scientific concepts behind the modernist temperament and how they challenged absolutist values about creating art. Then identify and discuss three 20th century theatrical genres or “isms” that were part of Modernism in the theatre. (Note: after Realism/Naturalism.)

  1. Compare and contrast any two of the pre-Modernist (before Realism) theatrical style periods we discussed in class.

Sample Solution

xploration of oil. In 1970, at Izmir, at the RCD summit conference, the member countries noted that the RCD provides a useful permanence of great potential for promoting socio-economic development among these three countries. All member nations were directed to take operational steps towards the reduction of quantifiable restrictions and other tariff obstacles to trade. The avoidance of double taxation was also discussed. The countries agreed to cooperate in a joint petroleum operation between Iran and Pakistan and the Ahraz Iskenderun pipeline project. The Turkish and Iranian Government were asked to pursue projects and take suitable steps (Hassan, 2002). In the start of seventies it was noted that Pakistan’s exports to Turkey which mainly consisted jute and its products, received setback after the eastern province abandoned from Pakistan in 1971. Establishment of Pakistan-Turkish Joint Commission for Economic and Technical Cooperation-November 1975 The need to institutionalize Pakistan-Turkish trade was fulfilled with the establishment of a Pakistan-Turkish Joint Commission for Economic and Technical Cooperation in November 1975. Consequently Pakistan and Turkey made sincere efforts to raise the joint cooperation in the fields of trade, agriculture, industry, science and technology. After the signing of agreement on economic and technical cooperation. The Turkish Foreign Minister Ihsan Sabir Cagnalaygil said, ‘Cooperation between the two countries in the economic and technical fields already occurs under RCD which Pakistan’s neighbor Iran also joins. That arrangement pursues to reinforce and expand the cooperation within a bilateral frame work’. It covers a wide range of economic activities, joint projects in fields of agriculture, industry, commerce and transpo>

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