We can work on Authoritative Source Links and Summaries


Find and post in the designated Assignment Folder three (3) links to “authoritative external sources” (as defined in this course) discussing laws, codes and/or other sources governing gifts by pharmaceutical representatives to doctors.

Proper APA style citations and references are required as well
as, a brief paragraph narrative one paragraph (6-7 sentences each) for each of the required three (3) “authoritative external sources” is required incorporating proper APA in-text citation for each source. A
link which leads to the full article referenced is required immediately following each reference.

“External Authoritative Sources” for purposes of this course shall mean: books, peer
reviewed journal articles, education and government sites as well as non-partisan national or international organizations (such as WHO, UNICEF, UNAIDS etc)
provided, the foregoing source/material selected has in text citations and references to
support statements made therein.

Under no circumstances are newspapers including the
Wall Street Journal, blogs (regardless of source), editorials, panel discussions and dot
com sites to be used. The foregoing are not considered authoritative for this course.

Sample Solution

The life of a celebrity compared to an average person’s life is very different. A rich person lives a more luxuries lifestyle than the average person does. The average person usually only owns a single home where as someone of wealth may own several homes. The normal person is not as fortunate as someone who is rich and can sometimes be envious of what the elite own. The average salary for a middle class family is $60,000 to $85,000 the minimum amount of money you need to live a comfortable lifestyle these days is around $50,000. In order to be considered wealthy it is over a million dollars and with that amount of money you can buy almost anything you want and never have to work again, that is if you are careful with your finances. A rich celebrity on television usually owns a couple of luxurious homes all over the world that’s why we get excited watching them on television and showing all that they own. We, as the viewers, are interested to see what the rich have spent their money on. While we are also jeal>

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