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1. Populations of most species live in “clumps.” This is because:

a. Animals make temporary groups during mating /nesting

b. Safety in numbers (herds provide group protection)

c. Resource availability is patchy

d. All of the above

2. Which one is an abiotic growth factor?

a. Favorable light

b. Favorable temperature

c. both (a) and (b)

d. none of the above

3. Which one of the following can act as environmental resistance?

a. Limited space

b. Outbreak of diseases

c. Increased predation

d. All of the above

4. Which one is not a density-independent limit factor?

a. Natural disaster

b. Disease outbreak

c. Habitat destruction

d. Pollution

5. A species that have fewer, larger offspring, provides a lot of parental care and most offspring survive to reproductive age is called:

a. r-strategist

b. K-strategist

c. None of the above

6. Migration routes for species can help enhance:

a. overall population size

b. genetic diversity

c. survival of meta populations

d. All of the above

7. Based on survivorship curve, small birds would belong to:

a. early-loss population

b. late-loss population

c. constant-loss population

d. None of the above

8. Carrying capacity of a given space for a particular species is determined by:

a. Environmental resistance

b. Biotic potential

c. Both (a) and (b)

d. None of the above

9. A city managed to sustain a stable population until last year when it saw a large drop in the number of young adults. Assuming that the birth and death rates were about the same last year, the drop in the city’s population must be due to:

a. Immigration

b. Emigration

c. Demographic transition

d. None of the above

10. Ireland experienced a population crash in the mid-nineteenth century because of:

a. War with England

b. Outbreak of plague

c. Crop failure

d. None of the above

11. Maintaining optimum sustainable yield typically involves:

a. Harvesting as many animals as possible (often above 50% of the population)

b. Harvesting conservatively (30% or fewer) and allowing predators to play a role

c. Harvesting at a level that will maximize revenue

d. None of the above

12. Sexual reproduction has certain characteristics, for example:

a. It provides greater genetic diversity in offspring

b. It increases the chance of genetic errors or defects

c. Both (a) and (b)

d. None of the above

13. Which species are likely to be more successful during the early stages of succession?

a. K-elected species

b. r-selected species

c. opportunists

d. Both (b) and (c)

14. Based on life table analysis, human population can be termed as a:

a. Late-loss population

b. Equal-loss population

c. Early-loss population

d. None of the above

15. Compared to natural systems, human-dominated systems are:

a.Less efficient in recycling nutrients

b.Biologically simpler

c.Driven by carbon-based energy source

d.All of the above

16. The scientist who introduced many ideas related to ecosystem resilience is:

a. James Kay

b. Aldo Leopold

c. C. S. Holling

d. George Perkins

17. Stability of an ecosystem refers to:

a. The ability to resist being disturbed or altered

b. Ability of its populations to maintain their sizes with limits imposed by available resources

c. Ability to absorb shocks without being fundamentally changed

d. All of the above

18. When a community is dominated by a few long lived plant species and is in balance with its environment, it is called __________________________

19. An ecosystem in late successional stage would have many, mostly specialized ecological niches. [1]

a. True

d. False

20. The process that involves the gradual establishment of biotic communities on nearly lifeless ground is called _________________________

21. Orchids attaching themselves to the trunks of large trees is an example of:

a. parasitism

b. mutualism

c. commensalism

d. None of the above

22. People who go into nature to discover promising natural substances that may have medicinal or commercial value are called ________________

23. What type of inter-species relationship can sometimes act like glue that helps to hold various species in a community together? ___________________

24. Which one of the following is one of the most vulnerable and least protected species on Earth:

a. Wild pacific salmon

b. Wildebeest

c. Mourning dove

d. Sharks

25. Different species competing for the same resources sometimes develop special abilities or habits to avoid direct competition and this is called _______________

Short questions Note : Answer each part of the question in [proper detail .

1. What is the “Precautionary principle?” Discuss with an example. [2+3=5]

2. Describe how evolution can affect predator-prey relationships. Provide two specific examples of predator-prey relationships and explain the corresponding interactions between the predator and prey populations . [2+1.5+1.5=5]

3. Population density may or may not affect how rapidly it can grow. Explain this statement by giving two examples, one involving a density-dependent factor, and the other involving a density-independent factor. [2.5×2=5]

4. How has human population generally been able to avoid environmental resistance factors? Is this likely to continue in the future? Why or why not? [3+2=5]

5.Define invasive species. Give two examples of invasive species that have become commonplace in Manitoba’s landscape. Indicate where they came from and where they are found. [2+3=5] (do online research if needed

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