We can work on Attribute casualty

Edward has a criminal record. Based on what you have learned about attribute casualty and trait inference, please explain in detail why automatically saying no to hiring Edward can cause some concern.

Sample Solution

en applying the Scrum framework, you have a Scrum Team consisting of three roles: the product owner, the scrum master and the development team. The framework has four ceremonies: sprint planning; daily scrum(daily scrum); sprint review; retrospective and three roles: product owner; scrum master; the development team. . The primary artefact in Scrum is the Product Backlog. This backlog is a collection of requirements, often stated in user stories. The backlog is the project’s only source to the requirements. During Sprint planning the development team pulls backlog items into the sprint backlog. Normally a sprint duration is between two to four weeks (all the collaborating companies have sprint of three weeks duration). The primary ceremony in Scrum is the daily Scrum (daily stand-up), where the team have 15 minutes to talk about progress and obstacles in the work. At the end of the sprint, the whole team first performs a sprint review, often together with all stakeholders, the goal is to have a potentially shippable product increment that has been tested and is functional. To finalize the sprint, the team has a sprint retrospective to inspect itself and compose a plan for improvements, which can be executed during the next sprint. 1.3. USABILITY AND UX When working with usability and UX it is important to have a shared understanding and foundation to the notion of especially UX. Different approaches exist when it comes to distinguish between usability and UX. However, all approaches agree upon UX originating from usability, and the change from usability towards UX includes a more positive, holistic, non-instrumental and hedonic view. [REF] 1.3.1. USABILITY Usability is by the ISO 9241 standard defined as: “The extent to which a product can be used by specified users to achieve specified goals with effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction in a specified context of use.” [REF] Usability engineering focuses on the ease of use and learnability, efficiency, memorability, errors and satisfaction of a product and on how the interaction can be measured. (Nielsen, 1994) Usability often focuses on executing tests with the focus on removing inferior and non-usable elements from a product, thus it is very risk oriented. [REF] Focus is on the efficiency of using the product rather than understanding how people experience the product. Hence usability methods have a more quantitative na>

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