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Analyze the company you are studying in the Home Improvement industry (Menards). Who is the buyer/consumer for this company? Create a buyer persona and be very specific. Explain ONE or TWO people who fit the buyer persona. You are welcome to Google what a buyer persona is. You will find templates for a buyer persona. You will need to know demographic and psychographic information about the consumer. If you can identify one or two buyers, you will also target those who are like consumers.

For example…if you were to create a buyer persona for me as a consumer it would look something like this:


Female, 36 years old

Married, 2 children (ages 10 and 11)

Highest level of education – Master’s and ABD

Income Level – $$$

Has 2 siblings who live in Seattle, WA and Connecticut. Both parents are living and live in Florida on the beach.

Lives in Boone, NC, but originally from a small town in Ohio

Close with family

Hobbies include working out (running, lifting weights, crossfit), hanging out with friends, going to kids sporting events, Watching sports

Mostly shops for convenience, does not like making returns when shopping online, but enjoys the convenience of shopping online.

Not a crafty person at all, but has a vision, good ideas for crafts and projects.

This would be an example, you can add more information if you would like. Make sure you are focused on who the customer is for the Home Improvement Industry and be specific!

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