We can work on Art history

Compare and Contrast Raphael’s High Renaissance fresco Galatea [9’8″ x 7’5″] with Botticelli’s Early
Renaissance painting Birth of Venus [5’8″ x 9’1″]. Be sure and discuss the stylistic differences such as the
artists’ use of light, line, color, and composition. *(Don’t worry if you aren’t familiar with the Botticelli, just rely on
your visual observation.)
If you want to write a little about how the cultural context of the Renaissance influences these artworks (their
subject matter?) please do!
The Compare and Contrast essay is a popular method for discussing works of art. You will be asked to write an
essay using this format on each exam. But your answer here doesn’t need to be a full essay, just a paragraph
or so 🙂 These are merely guidelines for you to consider when shaping your response.
Compare and Contrast essay questions are intended to stimulate you to explore the differences between the
period styles of the two works of art compared, and /or the individual styles of the two artists who created them.
You may also explore not only the stylistic differences between the two works but discuss the effect that these
stylistic differences had on the subject matter, theme, or symbolism of the works. Compare should tell you to
look for similarities while Contrast should suggest looking for differences. In any compare and contrast analysis
you ought, to begin with, the basics such as identifying the work of art (artist, title, period/style) and giving a
description of the work and its special features. The following is a list of issues to consider in your analysis:
culture/artist (who produced it?)
period/style (when and where was it produced?)
function (what was its purpose?)
physical context (how was it used?) how does it relate to its environment? where was it located?)
medium/material (what is it made of?)
scale (what size is it?)
the subject matter (who or what is the subject? Doesn’t apply to architecture)
sacred or secular (is it religious or non-religious in function and/or subject?)
artistic conventions (what reoccurring techniques, devices, or motifs are used?)
abstraction/realism (how are the figures and forms rendered?

Sample Solution

TS Eliot paper “Where is the lost in our life, where are the insight we lost in our insight? Where are the information we lost in the data?” And change the world A writer who needs to. His expectation is that it gives genuine society a reasonable check, urges them to change themselves and make their carries on with more important. TS Eliot needs to change his general public through distance, detachment, and instances of society that breakdown. Notwithstanding, before continuing thusly, we discovered TS Eliot, the most exceptional pundit and expert, strolling along our way. In his acclaimed 1919 paper “Conventional and Personal Skills”, Elliot decimated individual awareness, character, and individual musings in his compositions. He demands that there is minimal such thing, nothing intriguing about it. For Elliot the most interesting and fruitful part of the essayist’s work is where his abstract predecessors unequivocally demand their everlasting status. Verse and his character are unimportant verse is everything I can comprehend verse just through glasses of abstract history. That article is a style written in such a higher church and has such tyrant authority, regardless of whether your passionate experience as your essayist is totally different, you can utilize it I will be compelled to accept. TS Eliot composed a paper with Essay Hamlet in 1920 and attempted to reclassify how pundits see artistic functions. Toward the start of his article, Elliot contended that pundits attempted significant bits of knowledge by demanding that pundits “broaden his Shakespeare utilizing his Hamlet” to grow understanding of their own dramatization It neglected to explain that it fizzled. (1) Previous pundits, for example, Coleridge and Goethe didn’t see Hamlet as a dramatization, yet rather centered around Hamlet and effectively perceived its job. The fundamental contention is that, truth be told, as a masterpiece, show Hamlet totally fizzled. To demonstrate this, Elliot created an exceptional norm, target relationship. For instance, the author will show the crowd an object, tingle, an awful shout outside the house, and the crowd will feel apprehensive when the saint is apprehensive. English writer TS Eliot thinks Hamlet has an issue that Shakespeare is not really conspicuous – Elliot can barely make reference to – and it demolished the show. Maybe it is a male emergency that men can not act? Hamlet frequently accounts for himself as a man or a lady, not a man. Shake Spear didn’t act, so it was emasculated, it was not satisfactory any more. Close to the furthest limit of the game, Hamlet again looked at his inquiry regarding the following fight with Ruthes as a lady: “This is only a stupid demonstration, however it might raise ladies feel hell” .>

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