We can work on Are corporations moral agents?

  1. Are corporations moral agents? Do they have moral responsibilities? What do you think companies should do to make themselves more moral organizations?
  2. Is business meeting its responsibilities to consumers with regard to the safety, quality, pricing, and labeling and packaging of its products? If not, how might it do better? Provide examples.
  3. Do only human interests matter morally, or is the natural world intrinsically valuable? In your view, is our current treatment of animals, in particular. factory farming, morally legitimate?

Sample Solution

determine irrationality of a suicide if there was no way possible of the individual knowing; it can only be judged if there was no attempt to get it from reliable sources (Battin 137-138). I think that Battin is inferring that not having the correct information could mean they are unable to participate in rational thought process. Another assumption of suicide not being rational due to this criterion is caused by internal factors, such as depression where they can unknowingly suppress certain information (Brandt, cited in Battin 1995, 138). She counters this by stating that you can still have adequate information because the future may be already negative, even with a smaller view (Battin 138-139). Therefore, from her counterargument, she is countering any claims of narrow views that the opposition would try to argue by stating that an individual’s health status does not matter. Battin states that some would claim that suicide would be irrational if one committed it because of an unlikely future, but states t>

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