We can work on APU Week 2 Intelligence Threat and The Various Theories About Them Discussion – Assignment Help

I’m studying for my Political Science class and need an explanation.


In PIA, Heuer defines mirror imaging as “an example of an unavoidable cognitive trap” whereby the analyst fills in information gaps “by assuming that the other side is likely to act in a certain way because that is how the US would act under similar circumstances.”

For this week’s discussion, describe (1) a personal or professional instance in which you fell victim to mirror imaging; (2) identify the factors that contributed to misreading of the situation or event; and (3) a strategy that could have been employed to mitigate or prevent this particular case of mirror imaging from occurring.




Define threat. Does the definition you researched differ with our authors or other sources? If so, how?

As we begin looking at various theories of threat, our view on threat may evolve. You may bring in outside sources in your effort to define threat. Dictionary, peer-reviewed, and scholarly sources only, please.




Put each title number in a different word document. Words count is 300-350.

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